Emily Williams Smiling

The latest episode of the “I Heart My Life Show” is out now, and it’s all about navigating significant life transitions. Our host Emily Williams shares her personal journey moving from Austin, Texas, back to her hometown of Columbus, Ohio, and the lessons learned along the way. Key Takeaways: Quotes: Connect with Emily Visit Emily’s […]

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At I Heart My Life, no dream is too big and anything (and everything) is possible for you. Through our podcast, blog, shop and courses, you'll learn how to create an elevated life that you love.



Best Day Ever & Personal Pics

A few months ago when I create my 90 Days to $6K Months Group Program, I knew I wanted it to end with a live event at The Ritz London. When I told my previous coach about my plans during one of our calls, she advised me against it. She said that it would be […]


Why Anything Is Possible (And the Word I’ve Cut Out of My Vocabulary)

A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon this quote: “Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, ‘I’m possible’!” – Audrey Hepburn That completely resonated with me, and in fact, I’ve taken it a step further and decided to no longer allow the word “impossible” in my vocabulary. After all, it serves no purpose whatsoever and only […]

Taking Action

How to Find Your Purpose (And Why That Word Doesn’t Have to Be Scary)

Today I want to talk about how following your passions leads to your purpose. Many times, the word “purpose” freaks people out. It’s a heavy term and often times feels like quite a challenge to pin down. But in my experience, it just means that you’ve followed your heart to a place where you utilize […]

Taking Action

What Are You Waiting For?

I hope you’re having a lovely Monday! Yesterday I had the chance to spend the afternoon with 15 incredible entrepreneurial women at one of London’s best venues for afternoon tea. (For those of you who don’t know, afternoon tea also includes sandwiches, pastries and gorgeous desserts – not just tea! In my opinion, it’s the […]

Taking Action

Why Time Is Not the Enemy

I have a confession for you today: I have a habit of crying on my birthday. I know – it’s very “It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to” but stick with me… I just celebrated my birthday this past weekend, and although the day was incredible (full of shopping, quality time with […]


The Power of Dreaming Big

Today I want to talk to you about the wishes we make for our lives and how to make them happen. At the Oprah event a week ago, she shared a story of how when she was a newscaster in Baltimore, she met the most successful person she had “seen in person” one day and […]


How to Reach Your Long-Term Goals

Ever wondered what to do with those long-term goals? You know, the ones that you have to wait a few years for? Luckily, this weekend, I got a bit of advice for you from Elizabeth Gilbert herself. As you probably know, I spent a few days with Oprah Winfrey at her Live the Life You […]


How to Find Your Calling

Today I want to talk about how to find your calling in life – the Oprah Winfrey way. I’m off to Oprah’s Live the Life You Want event in Washington D.C. in a few days. I can’t wait to see her live! I’ve been so impressed with the event so far – they’ve sent me emails about “O Town” […]


How to Stop Limiting Yourself (And Do Big Things)

Today, I want to discuss how to stop limiting yourself. To be honest, you may be doing this without even knowing it. It turns out I was… As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I’ve just started an incredibly exciting executive program to take my business and life to the next level. One of the benefits […]


Are You Waiting to Be Happy?

Today I want to ask you a really important question: Are you waiting for the life you want? More specifically, are you waiting to be happy? Are you the type of person who puts things off or plans to do them in the future? Do you wait for others to help you along or inspire […]

Spotlight Series – Caroline Brealey

In this video, Matchmaker Caroline Brealey of Mutual Attraction and I chat about how she started her own business nearly three years ago, how she gets through daily life challenges, what advice she would give to her 20-something self, why she doesn’t plan more than three months ahead, how life surprised her and her trick for dealing with negative […]


Tables Turned

The tables were turned last week when I was interviewed about my company by the lovely Cecile Weigle. I actually wasn’t planning to share this on the blog, but I think you’ll find value in it and get to know me and my mission a bit better. Maybe you’ll even be a little bit inspired…! So please, […]

Spotlight Series – Amanda Julca

Introducing the I Heart My Life Spotlight Series. Once a month, I will interview an inspiring woman about her life and career. I believe it’s so important for you to see real women living their dreams. This episode features photographer-extraordinaire Amanda Julca. She has photographed everyone from The Bachelor’s Juan Pablo to the superstar Juanes (and me […]


We believe that life's too short to be subtle, that everything you want wants you back and in elevating your everyday, whatever that means to you. This is the I Heart My Life Show.




I started I Heart My Life from my kitchen table in a tiny London apartment in 2013.

After going through a 5-year quarter-life crisis, I discovered the world of personal development and the power of a gratitude journal and finally got clear on my true purpose in life: to help women fall in love with themselves and their lives. I Heart My Life has gone through many transformations over the years, but its mission has always remained the same: we exist to teach you how to create a life that you love.


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