Let me ask you this: What’s holding you back from your next great idea? From your big dream? From doing the thing you can’t stop thinking about? If your answer is fear, you’re not alone. Follow along as I share a real-life coaching session with one of our amazing I Heart My Life membership students all about tackling that fear that is keeping her from pursuing her next big achievement.
“All you have to know is you were given this desire for a reason and now your job is to take action. So you need to be on high alert any time your mind tries to take you down that rabbit hole and remind yourself what you’re capable of and that there are people who will purchase this.” -Emily Williams
Meet Anne McHale. Anne is a wine connoisseur with many years of experience working as a consultant and teacher in the hospitality industry. After COVID pushed her to launch her first online program this past August, Anne saw the doors of possibility fly open. Now, she is looking to level up her income and stop trading her time for money by tapping into the larger market of the general consumer.
And let’s get real here. People love wine. Yet, despite having an incredible idea for a course and being a (literal) certified Master of Wine, she is weighed down by those pesky, fear-inspired doubts we all know too well. What if no one purchases my offer? What if it’s not good enough? How can I compete with everyone out there offering things for free?
As we dig deeper into Anne’s fears (ones that are shared by many), I explain to her the way our brain can stand between us and our biggest dreams. Are you ready for it?
Our minds are always going to look for reasons NOT to do something.
It’s unfortunate, but it’s true.
Keeping that truth in mind, we discuss the importance of selling to yourself before you can even begin trying to sell to others. Anne explores this and other mindset changes she can make, as well as tangible things she can do, to achieve the results she desires for herself and her clients.
We talk about everything from finding your edge in the market to the importance of reminding yourself of your expertise and past success. And even though Anne can’t quite identify her absolute favorite type of wine, she does leave the call able to identify clear, actionable steps she will take to stop wishing and start doing.
Anne’s story is one I have come across again and again (hey, even I face some of these fears at times). Our session (and the realizations it brought about) shows just how important coaching is when it comes to unlocking that next step in your business. These powerful conversations help to unlock the belief we need in ourselves to make huge strides in the direction of our dreams.
Have you been feeling like fear is keeping you from your dreams? Book your Clarity Call today to see how we can help you break through the barriers holding you back.
In this Episode:
[02:34] Learn more about Anne and her work in the wine industry.
[4:49] Anne shares the fears that are holding her back, including trading her time for money.
[05:50] Hear Anne’s goals for her company and the vision she has for the future.
[07:41] Anne discusses her resistance in taking those first steps to map out her course.
[10:15] Looking on the flip side of fear.
[11:21] Anne gets tangible and starts mapping out her course.
[12:28] Your mind is always going to look for reasons not to do something.
[13:35] The importance of (and need for) taking action.
[15:05] Looking at the structure of an offer to build enthusiasm and confidence for both you and your customers.
[16:27] The first action step: The power of mapping out a course.
[19:12] Anne expresses her desire for flexibility and freedom.
[20:35] The power of believing in yourself
[21:19] “If it’s not scheduled, it’s not real.”
[22:14] Do I turn down other work so I can get this offer up and out in the world?
[25:16] Taking action and being in full choice around what this chapter is about for you.
[27:30] Building awareness and protecting yourself against the rabbit hole of doubt.
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Episode Sponsor: I Heart My Life Mastermind
“All you have to know is you were given this desire for a reason and now your job is to take action. So you need to be on high alert any time your mind tries to take you down that rabbit hole and remind yourself what you’re capable of and that there are people who will purchase this.” -Emily Williams
“I got to the overall mapping out of my dreams, but when it started to get more specific, I kind of felt all this resistance coming up. So I haven’t actually sat and mapped that out.” -Anne McHale
“There’s a fear that I would disappoint people. That I’d be charging too much, given how much free content there is out there about wine and how many wine people are out there sharing knowledge. Why would they pay for me?” -Anne McHale
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