

What it Actually Takes to Trust Yourself in Business: Live Coaching Session

Woman meditating on the bed


Here’s a struggle all coaches know well. It’s one thing to coach your clients through their fears and self-doubts, and another thing entirely to coach yourself through them. So often, the very problems we help our clients solve are the blocks we experience on our own business journeys. That’s why coaches need coaches, too! 

“This happens a lot of times with women where we just tiptoe around our marketing and we don’t actually speak our truth. Think about the people who are the most in your face, who are obvious about what it is that they do. If I ever find myself not being specific or going into that place of tip-toeing, I ask myself, what would this person do? How would they talk about their product? How would they speak to the results if they’re talking about their best case scenario?” – Emily Williams

Sometimes, all it takes is ONE powerful question from someone who’s got no skin in the game to clear up the confusion, shift your entire perspective on a situation, and take the next steps necessary to move forward with confidence. 

And that’s exactly what happens in today’s episode of The I Heart My Life Show. I sat down for a live coaching session with Gayle Damiano—a high-performance intuitive coach, a medium, and a self-defined “sober mom boss.” Through a mix of spiritual readings and coaching, Gayle helps her clients to tune into their intuition, speak to their highest self, and learn how to trust their inner voice.

Gayle has been in the business for years—she’s amazing at what she does, and she has the credentials, years of experience, and raving client testimonials to prove it. But lately, she’s been experiencing a crisis of confidence stemming from her deep-rooted desires to define herself, demonstrate competency in her field, and condense her many gifts into a signature coaching offer. She knows that it’s a transformative time, but going through the messy stages of growth has left her feeling stuck and stagnant. 

It just goes to show that self-doubt, confusion, and overwhelm show up at every stage of business—not just at the beginning. Every time you get close to stepping into your full realm of possibility, you’re going to feel those fears creeping in. What matters is what you do next—whether you give in to the fear, or feel into it and come out the other end stronger and more driven than ever. 

I know this conversation is going to serve so many of you who are struggling to streamline the way you show up, so I invite you to listen to the magic of coaching in action as Gayle unpacks what’s been holding her back, breaks through her mindset blocks, and finally gives herself permission to step into her full-fledged power. 

In This Episode: 

  • Gayle shares her difficulties in defining her coaching niche
  • Getting clear on what you want to be known for and how you want to help people
  • Taking stock of your unique set of gifts as a multi-passionate coach
  • Choosing the gifts that generate revenue
  • Dealing with doubt during a launch period 
  • Giving yourself permission to go with the flow and show up regardless of numbers 
  • Thoughts on valuing your time and doing things for free 
  • Why you need to stop tiptoeing your way around marketing 
  • Competency, credentials, and what it really means to show up as an expert 
  • Confidence around growing your network and making new connections 
  • Getting clear on Gayle’s next steps 


“What I’m observing from you is there are a lot of balls up in the air and a lot of confusion around what you call yourself. And the reality is, when we’re confused, other people are going to be confused as well. If you were to go all in, not worry about what people will think about the language or anything, what would you call yourself?” – Emily Williams

“This happens a lot of times with women where we just tiptoe around our marketing and we don’t actually speak our truth. Think about the people who are the most in your face, who are obvious about what it is that they do. If I ever find myself not being specific or going into that place of tip-toeing, I ask myself, what would this person do? How would they talk about their product? How would they speak to the results if they’re talking about their best case scenario?” – Emily Williams 

“If you trusted yourself fully, what would you be doing differently right now? If you were guaranteed to be successful, what would you be selling? What would you be promoting? There’s been so much tiptoeing and hesitation, but people like confidence. They want to know that you are an expert. And so the more specific you can be, the better.” – Emily Williams 

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Hi, I'm  Emily

I'm just a girl from Ohio with really big dreams, but the truth is, I always knew I was meant for more. I know firsthand what it means to feel that you're not living the life that you want, and yet not know how to make it happen. To wonder with each passing day, when your life is finally going to "get good". I've been there. Since transforming my own life, I've gone on to help thousands of women just like you so you can finally achieve your true potential and ultimately, create a life that's better than your dreams. If I can do it, you can too.

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What it Actually Takes to Trust Yourself in Business: Live Coaching Session

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