
The Top 10 Lessons from the Past 10 Years

Emily Williams standing inside a red telephone booth in London


When I was 25, I experienced a true quarter life crisis. I was miserable but I was driven to find my happiness. So I wrote a letter to myself detailing where I was and what I wanted out of that next year of life. From there, I’ve actively searched for the lessons learned each year and now, a decade later, it’s time to share.

There are so many things I could say about this past decade, but the most important is that it has been one of growth. I moved to London, I found love, I found coaching, I built a business, and through it all I’ve grown as a woman and a business owner. 

“I knew I needed to follow my heart. I knew I needed to trust myself and keep putting one foot in front of another.” -Emily Williams

The very first lesson I learned was to follow my heart. For so many people my move to London seemed like it was done on a whim. Little did they know that I’ve always been fascinated by England, it’s history, literature, and culture. I’d always dreamed of living in London, so I followed my heart and I did it. 

London is where I found love. James and I met through a dating site and it was during a period that I was really finding the strength to put myself out there and search for my dreams. Luckily I did, because finding James has led to so many more beautiful moments and I couldn’t have built my business without him.

Every single year has brought me new revelations and new lessons. Everything from really reaching for my dreams and making them happen to overcoming challenges with gratitude and a willingness to learn. 

This past decade has been a whirlwind, but I am so happy to be where I am now and I intend to keep on living in and with these lessons. What lessons have you learned in the last ten years? How will they impact your next ten? 

In this Episode: 

[01:38] Hear a letter she wrote to herself when she was 25. 

[05:25] How her life has changed since that letter. 

[06:05] Lesson number one is from 2010, always follow your heart. 

[08:52] Lesson number two is from 2011, always put yourself out there. 

[13:02] In 2012, the lesson was to shoot for the stars. Learn more!

[15:51] Hear Emily’s lesson for 2013.

[18:18] 2014 was an incredibly important year and the lessons learned were huge. 

[21:58] Keep traveling and don’t miss the moments. The lesson learned from 2015.

[26:52] Feel the fear and do it anyway. 2016 was a huge year for her. 

[29:59] 2017 was a year of challenge but it was still a great year. 

[32:09] People are not looking for perfection so don’t be scared to be vulnerable. 

[34:27] Last but not least, the lesson learned from 2019 was to be grateful. 

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“I knew I needed to follow my heart. I knew I needed to trust myself and keep putting one foot in front of another.” – Emily Williams

“When we’re able to see the silver lining, when we’re able to have gratitude for the challenge in the moment, it makes it much easier to move through and get to the other side. So we get there quicker.” – Emily Williams

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Hi, I'm  Emily

I'm just a girl from Ohio with really big dreams, but the truth is, I always knew I was meant for more. I know firsthand what it means to feel that you're not living the life that you want, and yet not know how to make it happen. To wonder with each passing day, when your life is finally going to "get good". I've been there. Since transforming my own life, I've gone on to help thousands of women just like you so you can finally achieve your true potential and ultimately, create a life that's better than your dreams. If I can do it, you can too.

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