

The Pursuit of Purpose

Melyssa Griffin Headshot


Do you feel stuck in your business? Maybe you’re hitting all your goals, but you aren’t feeling fulfilled? Well, today’s interview may help. On this episode of the IHML Show, we’re talking with the incredible Melyssa Griffin. Melyssa is a business and mindset coach with a community of over 200,000 business owners and self-development fans. But Melyssa wasn’t always an entrepreneur, and her journey into the business world had quite an interesting start.

After college, Melyssa worked as an English teacher in Japan, but she didn’t feel like it was her purpose. Needing something to look forward to after her long work days, Melyssa began a blog. Her following grew quickly and within six months, she started a graphic design studio, which soon became her full-time business. After running her design studio for a few years, Melyssa began to create and sell online programs. But even after her business hit the 7-figure mark, Melyssa still wasn’t feeling happy or fulfilled. Why? She had spent years focusing on external goals, instead of important inner goals. This wake-up call led her to prioritize herself, her fulfillment and her impact over revenue goals, followers and sales. After today’s interview, you’ll be inspired to move in the direction of what feels good to you, because Melyssa teaches us that you can reach your business goals while still feeling happy and fulfilled.

During this episode we’re going to cover…

  • Why moving in the direction of what feels good can help you move closer to your purpose
  • The importance of prioritizing your happiness, fulfillment and impact, rather than your followers and income goals
  • How journaling and coaching changed the course of her life and business
  • Why trusting our inner guidance and intuition is so important for our business
  • Melyssa’s step-by-step guidance for following your purpose
  • Why she stopped following people on social media (and how that has helped her business!)

One of my favorite quotes from this episode is this:

“If you do the thing that you are really passionate about and you back it up with some business skills and all that kind of good stuff, then it’s going to work out. Like it’s just going to work out so much better than if you did the thing that you have to force yourself to do. because the more that we’re in alignment with what we’re really passionate about, what we really want to bring to this world, what we feel deep down is our core mission, then it just works out so much more beautifully. We’re not pushing against the universe, it’s really working in our favor instead.”  – Melyssa Griffin



Tune into the I Heart My Life Show with Success Coach Emily Williams to learn how to design a life you love, manifest more success and wealth, move past fear and blocks and create joy in your life and business. Emily and her world-renowned guests will help you create a life that’s better than your dreams and give you tangible action steps to get there — quickly. She’ll cut through the fluff and share what’s worked for her and the world’s most successful people. She believes that success is an inside job — not just about another strategy. The I Heart My Life Show will help you finally heart your life, experience extraordinary success, make more money, live according to your own desires and give you permission to go after what you really want.

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Hi, I'm  Emily

I'm just a girl from Ohio with really big dreams, but the truth is, I always knew I was meant for more. I know firsthand what it means to feel that you're not living the life that you want, and yet not know how to make it happen. To wonder with each passing day, when your life is finally going to "get good". I've been there. Since transforming my own life, I've gone on to help thousands of women just like you so you can finally achieve your true potential and ultimately, create a life that's better than your dreams. If I can do it, you can too.

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