How often does your mindset and attitude set the stage for what is to follow? The answer? All the time. We attract what we put out into the world, so whether we are talking about success, wealth, or abundance of any kind, we must be aware of how we are showing up. This episode serves as yet another reminder of just how true that is.
“There’s nothing halfway, lukewarm, or half-hearted about persistence. It is bold, daring, and fearless. It does not hesitate, but goes after what it wants and keeps plugging until it gets results.” -Catherine Ponder
Join me for the sixth and final installment of my series reviewing Catherine Ponder’s influential book, The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity. If you haven’t picked up a copy of this book yet, be sure to do so after listening to this episode. I’m telling you, this book can help you step into the transformation that will have you living your best and most prosperous life ASAP.
Follow along as I reveal just how big of a role persistence plays in prosperity. Ponder discusses how a person persistent in the perusal of their dreams is often the one who achieves them (and I couldn’t agree more). Remember, failure is success trying to be born in a bigger way and a sign that something grander is coming. That’s why I spend time explaining why it is crucial to break through habits of a failure mindset, making space for clarity as you move forward toward abundance with dedicated persistence.
Now, I also know that debt and money mindset are roadblocks for many people. So, I made sure to dig into Ponder’s theories surrounding debt, like why it’s important to know the reason behind the debt. I explain how your approach to (and emotions surrounding) debt in your life and business has a lot to do with limiting (or increasing) abundance in your life. For example, I share Ponder’s thoughts surrounding how the attitude you attach to your debts allows you to attract (or repel) the abundance needed to meet (and surpass) these financial obligations.
Frankly, it never ceases to amaze me just how powerful the mind is. It’s so powerful that it has the ability to heal. I wrap up the episode by revealing three steps you can take to tap into these healing powers. If you are someone who struggles with any health-related issues or desires to meet any health-related goals, this is a must-listen for you.
The bottom line is that there’s so much insight packed into each chapter of Ponder’s book. While I highly encourage you to go out and get your own copy of this incredible book, I also invite you to go back and listen to the first five episodes of this series (if you haven’t already). I’m telling you, this book changed my life. I know it has the power to change yours too.
P.S. Want the opportunity to save 15% on my signature I Heart Money course? With the special promo specifically for podcast listeners, you can. I Heart Money is designed to help you uncover all the things that are keeping you from the wealth and abundance you’re craving. I want you to create as much wealth as you desire as you step fully into your purpose with your business. There is so much inside this course that can help you guide you toward doing just that, regardless of where you are in your life and business. Use the code “PODCAST” to save 15% today.
In this episode…
[03:52] Chapter 16: The Prosperity Law of Persistence (and why we should never surrender to defeat).
[06:37] Learn how to flip the script on failure and disappointment to step into a greater good.
[10:39] The power of your attitude (and how having the right one can lead you to success).
[15:28] Chapter 17: What About Indebtedness.
[17:13] Your attitude surrounding debt plays a significant role in how it impacts your life.
[19:55] Learn how criticism produces indebtedness (and how trust can help relieve it).
[26:05] There is a way out of indebtedness (listen to hear how).
[30:26] Indebtedness can actually be a blessing in disguise.
[33:32] Chapter 18: Health and Prosperous Thinking (3 steps to using your mind to heal).
[36:29] Final words written by Catherine Ponder herself!
“There’s nothing halfway, lukewarm, or half-hearted about persistence. It is bold, daring, and fearless. It does not hesitate, but goes after what it wants and keeps plugging until it gets results.” -Catherine Ponder
“Sometimes failure is an indication of us needing to do something bigger. So, instead of believing that it means you need to stop, what if you shift that and actually look outside the box and allow yourself to go to the next level instead? What if what you’re aiming for right now is not actually big enough.” -Emily Williams
“Perhaps one of the greatest barriers to freedom from indebtedness is fear and desperation. When they are overcome, you are on your way to financial freedom.” – Catherine Ponder
“So, the first step is to understand that your desire– everything that you want– is meant for you and is possible. And those desires inspire you to go to the next level, utilize your talents, step out of mediocre work, and become that next-level version of yourself. That’s huge. And then your bank account can expand to reach your desires, and they can be in harmony.” -Emily Williams
Links & Resources:
Podcast Episode 176: The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity: Part 1
Podcast Episode 178: The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity: Part 2
Podcast Episode 180: The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity: Part 3
Podcast Episode 182: The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity: Part 4
Podcast Episode 184: The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity: Part 5
The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity by Catherine Ponder
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