

The Art of Self Motivation with James Williams

Closeup Headshot of James Williams in a Blue Blazer


What if I told you self-pressure was getting in the way of achieving your biggest dreams? The truth is, when we bully ourselves into fear and guilt, we thwart our potential. Instead of lighting a flame of inspiration, we run the risk of crashing and burning. 

“If we worry about our problems, we’re using up a ton of mental energy that’s not going into solving the problem. Instead, it’s creating a stressful state, and it’s actually denying us the fuel and the creativity to come up with the solution to solve the problem.” -James Williams 

There’s no doubt that creating change and reaching new levels of success comes with its challenges. However, the most successful people are the ones who find clarity around their purpose and commit to their vision. They’re the ones who are motivated to keep going, even when times are tough. The ones who care enough about finding the solution don’t let any problems stand between themselves and their dreams. 

Far too often people live their lives filled with fear and stress instead of hope and inspiration. Instead of getting one step closer to living a life that’s better than our dreams, we’re too caught up in belittling ourselves for problems we have yet to overcome. That’s why I was excited to have my husband and Certified High-Performance Coach James Williams on to host this special episode of the IHML show all about mastering the art of self-motivation. 

As it turns out, the way you approach problems and challenges sets the stage for your success. That’s why it’s imperative to approach self-motivation with positivity and care rather than bullying and fear. Listen as James explains why (and how) you should shift the way you look at and approach problems. James views problems as opportunities and explains why worrying isn’t how to approach problems (and reveals what to do instead). 

James reveals why the way you talk to yourself matters in a big way (and plays a role in your outcomes) and how having a  clear purpose can be your guiding light to your success. Whether you realize it or not, every word you say aloud or think to yourself plants the seeds for your future. How? The subconscious mind is always listening. Therefore, as James describes, you must plant the right seeds that will allow your dreams to bloom and flourish. 

If you are someone who finds yourself getting caught up in negative self-talk or the stresses of self-pressure, don’t worry. James guides you through steps you can take to rewrite the script on how you approach any problems standing between you and your biggest dreams. He offers strategies you can begin implementing in your daily life so you can not only achieve the results you want but enjoy the journey along the way. 

Remember, you are capable of great things. You deserve to live a life that’s better than your dreams. It’s time you start talking to yourself like you believe it. Listening to this episode is a great place to start. 

In this episode… 

[02:26] Why the way that we speak to ourselves matters. 

[05:04] We were taught to be motivated by fear. 

[09:14] Instead of worrying about problems, care about the solution. 

[13:24] You need to become aware of how you speak to yourself. 

[15:04] The dangers of self-pressure.

[16:22] Getting clear around your purpose. 

[20:43] The steps to mastering the art of self-motivation. 


“If we worry about our problems, we’re using up a ton of mental energy that’s not going into solving the problem. Instead, it’s creating a stressful state, and it’s actually denying us the fuel and the creativity to come up with the solution to solve the problem.” -James Williams 

“[If] you ask yourself a question like, ‘can I do this? Is this possible for me?’ Your subconscious is going to give you the answer from the library of responses and language that you’ve been using to give you an answer back. So let’s start recording language that is inspiring and encouraging us to move forward. ” -James Williams 

“Self-motivation isn’t a strategy that you can write down and learn in a book. Self-motivation is you being the mentor or coach for yourself. It’s you recognizing that you’re going to be with yourself for the rest of your life. And how you speak to yourself, how you overcome challenges, and how you move through struggle is recorded and will determine your results.” -James Williams 

“If you’ve even begun a journey of development or progression, you obviously believe there’s something within you that can create a life and a business or a situation that is so wonderful. Stick with that thought, inspire yourself to be successful, and care enough to solve all of those problems that have wonderful solutions on the other end of them.” -James Williams 

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Hi, I'm  Emily

I'm just a girl from Ohio with really big dreams, but the truth is, I always knew I was meant for more. I know firsthand what it means to feel that you're not living the life that you want, and yet not know how to make it happen. To wonder with each passing day, when your life is finally going to "get good". I've been there. Since transforming my own life, I've gone on to help thousands of women just like you so you can finally achieve your true potential and ultimately, create a life that's better than your dreams. If I can do it, you can too.

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