

Lessons from My Hiatus: How Taking a Pause Can Lead to Transformation

Emily on bed

After a well-deserved break, we are thrilled to announce the return of the I Heart My Life Show, and it’s going to be an episode you won’t want to miss on how to reinvent yourself.

Hosted by the amazing Emily Williams, the I Heart My Life Show is back to inspire and empower individuals who are looking to make a change and reinvent themselves and their work. In this episode, Emily will dive into her recent experiences, sharing valuable insights from her own hiatus and the impact it had on her life and the lives of those around her.

During her break, Emily took a six-week pause from Instagram and a four-month hiatus from the podcast to realign and reconnect with her purpose. It was a decision based on what felt right and in alignment with her own capacity. Now, she is immensely excited to resume sharing content and discussing her own process over the past few months.

One of the fascinating aspects of Emily’s break was the profound conversations it sparked and the incredible bonds that were formed. She realized just how often people hide their true feelings and the power of vulnerability. By sharing her experience, Emily gave others permission to share their stories and feel less alone, leading colleagues and clients to express interest in making similar decisions.

As the founder of I Heart My Life, Emily started her business from home with a mission to help people achieve their goals and create more joy in their lives. The I Heart My Life Show covers various topics, including mindset, relationships, wellness, lifestyle, money, business, and career. Emily’s genuine passion for helping ambitious women shines through as she shares her journey and provides guidance along the way.

In this episode, Emily will talk about her big shift in terms of her brand and company, and her plans to simplify her personal brand to focus on her main projects. (Something that took ten years to reach this point!) Be prepared for some major updates and insights into the future of I Heart My Life…

Additionally, Emily will discuss the fear of change and reinvention, a topic that may strike a chord with many of you. She’ll delve into determining whether the overall goal or mission is out of alignment or if it’s just a temporary challenge. Emily’s personal reflections will provide you with valuable tools to overcome fear and embrace the beauty and potential of reinvention.

To get the full experience, we highly recommend listening to the previous episode before diving into this one. The insights and personal stories shared there will set the stage for an even deeper understanding of Emily’s journey.

As always, Emily will share her wisdom and practical tips, emphasizing the power of actively engaging in life to find clarity and courage. Taking a pause doesn’t mean completely disassociating from everything; it means pursuing clarity with intention while staying engaged in your life and community.

Join Emily as she shares her powerful hiatus experience, explores fears, and confronts the unknowns in her life. Be ready to be inspired to pursue your own reinvention journey and build a business and life fueled by love and passion.

Don’t miss out on this episode of the I Heart My Life Show!

Wishing you a life filled with joy, reinvention, and the pursuit of your dreams!


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To Be Ambitious

I Heart My Brand



“Finding Purpose and Realignment: So I am back after about four months on a hiatus from recording this podcast, and I wanted to share what I did during that time that really helped me realign, essentially launch two new brands and come back to my purpose and what I feel I’m meant to do in this world.”

— Emily Williams [00:00:50 → 00:01:09]

The Power of Taking a Hiatus: “When I decided to put the pause in place, I started to do a couple of things that really replaced that time and were in service to me.”

— Emily Williams [00:04:38 → 00:04:47]

Overcoming Fears as an Entrepreneur: “And so for me, I knew that my desire was to give myself some space, give myself some time from Instagram and the podcast. And when the fears came know I’m well versed enough in mindset to know that those weren’t actually true. And I also know that I have to follow my fears and get to the place where they’re no longer scary and then they don’t have power over me.”

— Emily Williams [00:05:40 → 00:06:03]

Facing Fear: “What would actually happen and what would this look like? And is it actually that scary? And am I going to allow that to hold me back from the thing that I actually want to do?”

— Emily Williams [00:10:24 → 00:10:34]

Overcoming Fear and Finding Strength: “I know one of my colleagues, she had a period of time for a year and a half or two years where she just wasn’t selling and she was working on herself, working on her health. She realized she’d gotten so far away from her mission in life and what she was put on this earth to do and she could no longer do it. So she turned things off, she shut things down and really had to regroup and now has come back stronger than ever and has a business that she really loves and is doing work that is fulfilling.”

— Emily Williams [00:11:32 → 00:12:01]

The Power of Vulnerability: “And so it just made me realize how often we are actually hiding, how often we are wanting to pretend like everything’s okay when it’s not, and how much power there is in that vulnerability and actually sharing what’s really going on behind the scenes and not feeling like we have to bond over perfection.”

— Emily Williams [00:12:19 → 00:12:41]

The Importance of Authenticity: “I do think it’s important to share from a scar versus a wound if it’s still really fresh and you’re still experiencing, maybe wait a little bit. But in this case, I was happy to share and open and I was honest about the fact that there are a lot of question marks and I don’t know who I’m going to be and what I’m going to create when I get back here. But this is where we’re at and this is the truth. And again, it gave so many people that permission to take their own pause and to reevaluate their life.”

— Emily Williams [00:15:21 → 00:15:51]

Reinventing Yourself: “I think so many people started businesses or started down a path, even if it’s a career path and you thought it was what you wanted, but now you’re realizing it’s not. And yet there’s a fear of changing things up, there’s a fear of reinventing yourself.”

— Emily Williams [00:17:18 → 00:17:30]

The Duality of Ambition: “And yet they are starting to realize that even though the goal is to build their business, create wealth, have a big impact in the world, there are also other things that they’re ambitious at, which is maybe family life, motherhood, just being healthy, not being so obsessed, and having their entire worth wrapped up in their company.”

— Emily Williams [00:23:47 → 00:24:07]

Building Two Companies with Massive Collaborations: “So I was building out those contracts and relationships and getting all of those professional relationships solidified.”

— Emily Williams [00:27:57 → 00:28:05]

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Hi, I'm  Emily

I'm just a girl from Ohio with really big dreams, but the truth is, I always knew I was meant for more. I know firsthand what it means to feel that you're not living the life that you want, and yet not know how to make it happen. To wonder with each passing day, when your life is finally going to "get good". I've been there. Since transforming my own life, I've gone on to help thousands of women just like you so you can finally achieve your true potential and ultimately, create a life that's better than your dreams. If I can do it, you can too.

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