When you think of the word success, what comes to mind? Is it money? Is it freedom? Is it running the business of your dreams? Or maybe it’s all three. One thing I’d be willing to bet doesn’t come to mind is fear. But here’s the thing, fear of taking your big vision to that next level, the fear of success, is a very real thing (just ask my client, Joanne).
“A lot of us as visionaries, we look at the whole big picture and we’re like, ‘Oh my gosh, I need a hundred people right now. It’s going to cost a fortune.’ So on and so forth. What I want you to do is take this and phases and think about what this year holds for your business and what your goals are. Who is the one person, the next hire, who would make the biggest difference to your organization based on those goals?” -Emily Williams
Luckily, like with any fear, there are ways to move through it. There are strategies you can use to help you overcome the fears that are getting in the way of your big vision (don’t worry, I share them with you in this very episode). We both know the worst thing you can do is to allow yourself to stay stuck or to be held back by fear. That’s why I invite you to follow along on my real coaching call with my client, Joanne Muturi, as we unpack her fears keeping her from stepping into her big vision with her coaching business.
She bravely admits that with her big vision taking on a team to help her expand her coaching business to that next level. The thing is, clarity around the vision isn’t the issue. Follow along as we unpack the fears getting in her way of achieving what she wants. Listen as I teach Joanne specific steps she can take to move past these fears including the responsibilities that come with hiring the team she knows she needs, the risk of losing connection with clients by bringing other coaches in, and the logistics that come with making more money.
Now, whether you resonate with Joanne’s fears or not, this episode will give you strategies you can implement when fear of success (whatever that looks like for you) rears its head in your life and business. Follow along as I reveal how strategies that help you keep your eye on your goals (even if that means breaking them down into smaller steps) can help you take action with confidence.
So, if you are ready to flip the script on your fears so they can no longer keep you from your dreams, this episode is for you. Remember, the worst thing you can do for your life and business is to be held back by fear. To stay stuck. To play it small when you are meant for something big.
P.S. Remember, the fastest way to get the results you are craving is to work directly with a coach. You can see the benefits Joanne got out of this 30-minute call alone. Imagine what you could get in our 6-month I Heart Coaching program (and that’s just one of our offerings)! Book a call with one of our clarity coaches today to see which of our offerings is best for supporting your unique needs.
In this episode…
[02:13] Welcome, Joanne! Learn about her fear of success.
[04:25] Joanne describes her grand vision.
[08:30] Joanne commits to her vision with conviction.
[09:16] Listen as we really dig to find the root of Joanne’s fears.
[09:51] Flipping the script on her fears around building a team by looking at the benefits.
[15:06] Joanne reveals how her past managing experiences in the corporate world still haunt her (and hold her back)!
[17:00] Why you need to break up big goals into manageable steps.
[18:454] I explain how atomizing systems and launches can lead you to your big revenue goals.
[24:18] Why you can bring on another coach (without losing your clients).
[26:18] Focusing on your vision instead of your fears (hear Joanne’s big breakthrough!).
[29:55] The importance of maintaining an abundance mentality.
Links & Resources:
Profit First by Michael Michalowicz
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Episode Sponsor: I Heart Coaching
“And when you list out, for example, all the things that you’re currently doing, that aren’t your zone of genius or aren’t the best use of your time. It frees you up to move the big vision forward.” -Emily Williams
“A lot of us as visionaries, we look at the whole big picture and we’re like, ‘Oh my gosh, I need a hundred people right now. It’s going to cost a fortune.’ So on and so forth. What I want you to do is take this and phases and think about what this year holds for your business and what your goals are. Who is the one person, the next hire, who would make the biggest difference to your organization based on those goals?” -Emily Williams
“So anytime that you go into fear or doubt, you remind yourself of the vision and you remind yourself of what’s possible.” -Emily Williams
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