You know those seasons of your business (or life) when things just don’t feel right? You’re not wrong. Being in alignment in your life, both personally and professionally, is so incredibly important. The truth is, when you’re personally out of alignment, your business will reflect that. That’s why I’m so excited to have Lindsay Roselle joining me on this episode to talk about all things alignment.
Lindsay’s journey from corporate success to entrepreneurial endeavors is one we can all learn from. We begin by talking about everything from her decision to leave the security of the corporate world to the struggles she faced early on in her entrepreneurial journey. By sharing her story, she reminds us that while the road to alignment isn’t always smooth sailing, the end result is totally worth it.
“I think where we get in trouble is where we’re trying to sell too many things, or we’re trying to keep up with the influencer on Instagram and run a challenge and do all these things on top of each other. And yeah, you might have a great financial month, but if it’s at the cost of your alignment, if it’s at the cost of your ability to take a day off or to sit in stillness and like being with yourself, those extra couple hundred thousand dollars are not worth it.” -Lindsay Roselle
Because here’s the thing, alignment might be more imperative now than ever before. We live in a fast-paced world with a lot of high expectations set by what we see online and on social media. It’s so easy to get caught up with comparing yourself to the success of others and getting lost in the hustle mindset. I hope that my discussion with Lindsay can help remind you to pay attention to your now because getting too caught up in the future can lead to misalignment before you even get there.
One of the great things about Lindsay is that she practices what she preaches. She literally started her business, Women & Inc, because the community she wanted to be a part of didn’t yet exist. She gets candid about the gumption (and humility to ask for help) it took to get her business started, and reveals the role alignment has played (and continues to play) as both she and her business evolve. And what started with 83 women in a bar (with only one table reserved!), now hosts events with nearly 2,000 attendees… so she must be on to something.
Listen as Lindsay graciously shares her framework for getting (and staying) in alignment that she uses with her clients and how this framework can be used as a way to stay honest about your happiness and your desires. She also shares how she knows when she’s out of alignment. This was actually one of the most brilliant mile markers we’ve heard in a long time and something most people overlook, but it’s a tell-tale sign that something’s off. (You’ll have to listen to learn what it is!) And finally, she reminds us that success doesn’t have to come at the cost of stress and unhappiness.
At IHML, we want you to love your life in every sense of the word. So, if you have a hunch that something is not exactly aligned, or maybe you’re just not feeling happy with your life or business, press play on this episode and learn all the things to help you get back to living your best life.
In this episode…
[02:38] Welcome Lindsay! Learn more about the story behind her success.
[04:48] Hear Lindsay’s experience leaving the security of the corporate world.
[06:29] How she knew she was ready to take the leap into entrepreneurship.
[08:28] Finding fulfillment can be a bumpy road– and that’s okay.
[10:10] The beginning of Women& Inc.
[17:15] The power of the community brain.
[19:15] What surprised Lindsay the most about owning her own business?
[22:48] Hear what Masterminds have taught Lindsay about alignment.
[23:48] Navigating desire and alignment at the beginning of your new career.
[26:30] “We’re all always in the work” (of alignment).
[28:41] Key signs of being out of alignment.
[32:38] Learn what Lindsay does when she’s feeling out of alignment.
[33:58] Acknowledging and learning from misalignment.
[36:29] What is one way people can create a life that’s better than their dreams? Hear Lindsay’s response.
“You always have to come back to this personal alignment piece. And as soon as you personally get out of alignment, nothing else is going to work.” -Lindsay Roselle
“We’re all always in the work. We’re always in the work of figuring out what is aligned, what is true for us and, and what it’s okay. If stuff changes it’s okay. If life evolves, you just have to have those mechanisms in place and the support in place to keep coming back to yourself and, and trust that as soon as something starts to feel not in there, not in alignment that you have the power to stop it.” -Lindsay Roselle
“I think where we get in trouble is where we’re trying to sell too many things, or we’re trying to keep up with the influencer on Instagram and run a challenge and do all these things on top of each other. And yeah, you might have a great financial month, but if it’s at the cost of your alignment, if it’s at the cost of your ability to take a day off or to sit in stillness and like being with yourself, those extra couple hundred thousand dollars are not worth it.” -Lindsay Roselle
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Woman and Inc on Instagram
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Episode Sponsor: I Heart My Life Mastermind
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