

How to Become a Next-Level CEO – A Real-life Coaching Session with Christen Schneider

Christen Schneider Wearing a White Shirt


Are you looking to scale your business or grow your team as you step into your big vision? If not, spoiler alert! Because these are often necessary steps to take to achieve the ambitious goals you have for your life and business. However, these steps aren’t without their growing pains. I see it all the time; people face new fears, doubts, questions, and even guilt as they hire more team members and level-up as the CEO of their company. 

“Not everyone can be a business owner or wants to be a business owner. You’re giving them an opportunity to be a part of something really special and to do this work [without] having to deal with all the stuff that you have to deal with as CEO and owner of the business.” -Emily Williams

That’s why I’m sharing this real-life coaching session with Christen Schneider. Christen is one of our amazing I Heart My Life Mastermind students who owns and runs a marketing consulting agency. As she looks to bring her growing business and team to new heights, she knows she must move through a few insecurities and roadblocks first. Follow along as I guide her through the mindset shifts and actions needed to gain clarity and relieve major stressors to move forward with her plans as an unstoppable CEO. 

Listen as we work through Christen’s need for support in dealing with the fears and doubts that many experience when it comes to relinquishing control (and guilt) while scaling a business. We discuss the importance of going against the grain and defining the role you want and need to take on in your company in order to get closer to your big vision. Listen for the strategies I offer to help relieve some of the guilt and doubt encountered along the way. 

Christen opens up about the guilt she feels as a CEO and her struggle understanding what is fair in business. We work through those feelings, identifying where her guilt comes from and how she can turn that guilt around to understand the hard work and value she brings to the business. It’s also a great reminder for any entrepreneur that just because you created the company doesn’t mean you have to do everything

We also uncover her fears surrounding money mindset and the responsibilities of taking on a team. One of Christen’s biggest stressors comes from the responsibility of paying her team. As we discuss her fears, she comes to the understanding that money shouldn’t be tied to worth. Instead, there is such power in shifting our mindset toward gratitude when it comes to expenses like payroll or bills. I spend a lot of time expressing the importance of being thankful and providing strategies to help shift her mindset when approaching such costs and pain points. 

While this session revolves around Christen’s needs and concerts, this episode is filled with tangible takeaways you can apply to your life and business. I’m excited to share some of my best strategies and tips that you too can use to help you shift your mindset as you adjust to the transformation needed to be in the level of leadership you desire.  

The bottom line is this episode covers strategies to work through so many relatable pain points for anyone looking to scale their business and level-up as a CEO. So, if any of this resonates with you, be sure to give this one a listen. 

P.S. Inspired by Christen’s breakthroughs and feel like this level of support is exactly what you need as you scale your biz? Learn more about the I Heart My Life Mastermind or book a call with us today to determine if it’s the next step you need to take as you step into your big vision. 

In this episode… 

[02:26] Welcome, Christen! Learn about her marketing consulting agency. 

[04:55] Christen shares where she needs support in growing her business and team. 

[08:02] Going against the grain and defining the role you want.  

[11:54] I remind Christen of the importance of relinquishing control as she builds her business. 

[14:17] Letting go of CEO guilt when putting tasks on others and still making money. 

[17:40] We talk money mindset and the responsibilities of having (and paying) a team. 

[21:09] The power of gratitude when approaching expenses. 

[22:26] We work through Christen’s self-imposed limitations. 

[25:11] I share a journaling exercise to help move past self-imposed limitations. 

[28:09] The importance of having fun and finding joy as you work to scale your business.


“Not everyone can be a business owner or wants to be a business owner. You’re giving them an opportunity to be a part of something really special and to do this work [without] having to deal with all the stuff that you have to deal with as CEO and owner of the business.” -Emily Williams 

“Focus on what is going to be coming back, not just what’s going out. [Express] gratitude for being able to have these people on the team [who are] committed to your vision because they could work elsewhere.” -Emily Williams 

“I need to grow into the image of that big vision and accept that not only is it possible and is it what I want, but it’s a good thing. And it’s okay.”  -Christen Schneider

“It’s time for you to give back to yourself. That reward, celebration, and focus on joy are what’s going to inspire you to keep going. If we keep piling things on and never recognize what’s changed, it’s very challenging to envision that things could be different. We’ll keep using that hard work as our reward.” -Emily Williams

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Episode Sponsor: I Heart My Life Mastermind 

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Hi, I'm  Emily

I'm just a girl from Ohio with really big dreams, but the truth is, I always knew I was meant for more. I know firsthand what it means to feel that you're not living the life that you want, and yet not know how to make it happen. To wonder with each passing day, when your life is finally going to "get good". I've been there. Since transforming my own life, I've gone on to help thousands of women just like you so you can finally achieve your true potential and ultimately, create a life that's better than your dreams. If I can do it, you can too.

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How to Become a Next-Level CEO – A Real-life Coaching Session with Christen Schneider

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