Have you ever wanted to do things differently? To not follow the rule book of life, but instead, be free to lead your life and your business in a way that works for you? To create financial freedom?
“I think that our imagination and our curiosity are some of our greatest tools. And what we don’t realize is, we’re always in alignment for something. We’re in alignment for something whether we’re being intentional about it or not. And when I say alignment, it’s when your thoughts, your feelings, your emotions, and your actions are all pointing towards a specific outcome.” – Jessica Caver Lindholm
I know many of us have this dream. We want to have it all: the successful business, the amazing family, the happy marriage, the perfect social life, etc…
And I’m here to tell you that you can have it all. And you can be free.
You don’t have to stick to the book or live your life by the set of rules society pushes on you.
You can make your own rules, and you can achieve success and joy and happiness doing so.
Don’t believe me?
Well, lucky for you, I’ve invited someone who’ll help you leave your skepticism where it belongs; in the past.
Her name is Jessica Caver Lindholm and she is one of my favorite people in the world.
It’s funny though…when I first met Jess, she triggered me.
She was so FREE. She was on her own schedule, didn’t care what people thought of her, charged what she wanted to charge, and frankly, I wanted what she had!
Once I got over my issues, we became close friends and she’s supported me through so many ups and downs.
Jessica is a business owner who lives her life and manages her business the way she wants to.
She never stuck to a schedule, she never followed the book, and she definitely never stuck to a plan.
She’s the queen of freedom, and, you know what? That’s been working for her!
Listen in as she and I talk about freedom, how to attract what you want, how she made it to where she is today, the importance of feeling free, and more.
If you’re craving that sense of freedom in your life but don’t know how to achieve it, then this episode is for you!
Are you ready?
Let’s dive in!
In This Episode:
- [00:00] Introduction
- [02:15] Jessica takes us back to the past
- [09:07] How a step-by-step process can help you achieve freedom, from a certified rebel’s perspective
- [14:39] Jessica shares the shift in mindset that helped her make five figures a month
- [17:48] If I were wealthy, how would I actually feel at this moment?
- [26:38] Jessica talks about how she gave herself permission to be free in her business
- [37:37] Let’s talk about pivots!
- [43:34] Jessica’s evolution in the last few years
“I always felt like a weirdo and a rebel and an outsider. And as I grew up and went to school, I just never felt like a traditional job made sense to me. I knew I could do it. I knew I could master it. But anytime that I would work for someone else, I just had this feeling of ‘I can be doing this better. I should run the company, not be working for you in the company.’ And that just kept happening.” – Jessica Caver Lindholm
“I think that [spiritual side] always just lived under the surface for me, even though I was this high achiever, background in science, all of that… I still had this love of the spiritual side.” – Jessica Caver Lindholm
“I think the mentors, the coaching, the programs that I was really drawn to in the beginning were those that really highlighted the lifestyle […] And so the program that we ended up being in together, what really drew me to it was not that it was gonna give me a step-by-step process to build the business. It was the feeling of it, it was the luxury, it was the idea, I was drawn so much to the idea of getting to travel the world with other women and have these luxury experiences.” – Jessica Caver Lindholm
“I remember reading The Science of Getting Rich at least six times in 2014 and just realizing all the ways that I was embodying broke, embodying not enough, and all of that fear. And I became really masterful at holding the energy and the frequency of wealth and knowing and feeling free around money, even though I didn’t have money. And so that was one of the first things that I ended up teaching, how to feel financially free even when there’s nothing there to support it.” – Jessica Caver Lindholm
“I think that our imagination and our curiosity are some of our greatest tools. And what we don’t realize is, we’re always in alignment for something. We’re in alignment for something whether we’re being intentional about it or not. And when I say alignment, it’s when your thoughts, your feelings, your emotions, and your actions are all pointing towards a specific outcome.” – Jessica Caver Lindholm
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