
Taking Action

Goal Setting for the Rest of the Year with Susan Brennan

Susan Brennan headshot in green shirt


Setting goals and assigning deadlines is the key to freedom and flexibility in your business. Susan Brennan is our resident success and accountability coach at I Heart My Life and she is responsible for helping our clients get things done.

After leaving corporate and moving into a virtual assistant role, Susan found herself offering advice and support more than simply assisting. After working on her own mindset and finding the space that she thrives in, she decided to become a coach. 

“Stop comparing yourself to other people. They’re on a totally different journey and they have completely different life experiences. They have different skill sets and different things that they’ve studied and different people that they know… it is a complete waste of time to compare.”

-Susan Brennan

It wasn’t until she started finding clarity around her own goals and her own desires that she found true success. It’s this process that she loves to help others complete. Because we all know that while having dreams is important, knowing what steps to take to make those dreams come true is imperative.

Listen in as Susan shares her path from corporate to coaching and why her move to San Diego was integral to her career switch. She gives actionable tips and advice on how to start envisioning your goals and how to create daily action steps to move forward. 

A goal is only as good as the steps you take to complete it. Start setting deadlines in your business and let us know how much more progress you start to see. If you’re struggling with setting your goals and you’re seeing this in real-time, join us for the I Heart Growth Workshop and start finding the clarity you need to move forward in your business. 

In this Episode: 

[00:14] Learn about Susan Brennan and how she supports our clients in getting things done.

[03:35] Susan shares the path she took to her coaching business and more about her background.

[06:41] What was it that brought Susan into the entrepreneurial world? 

[08:42] Where did she find her clients? 

[11:28] Why did she decide to move from Seattle to San Diego? 

[16:16] Did she ever have the moments of overwhelm that caused her to stumble in her business? 

[20:16] What’s the first step toward setting actionable goals? 

[22:22] Does the process change based on the level of business you’re in? 

[23:58] How far out should a newer business owner vision out? 

[26:13] Why daily small wins are so important to big vision goals.

[28:11] Learn how you can stay motivated when it seems like your goals aren’t possible.

[32:33] You have to keep building your muscles and moving forward. 

[36:57] It’s amazing to have dreams but you have to act on them. 

[38:35] Stop creating mistrust with yourself by creating goals that you never act on.

[40:38] Susan shares additional tips around goal setting and accountability.

[45:04] Connect with Susan.

[49:39] What is one way that you can create a life better than your dreams? 

Links & Resources: 

Subscribe to the Podcast: 

I Heart My Life Show on Apple Podcasts
I Heart My Life Show on Spotify

Connect with Susan: 

Susan’s Website

Susan on Instagram

Connect with Emily: 

I Heart My Life Website
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I Heart My Life on Facebook
I Heart My Life on LinkedIn

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Episode Sponsor: I Heart Growth Virtual Workshop

Promo Code: INSIDER


“As you’re building that trust muscle back up… that’s where those daily wins come in.” – Susan Brennan

“Stop comparing yourself to other people. They’re on a totally different journey and they have completely different life experiences. They have different skill sets and different things that they’ve studied and different people that they know… it is a complete waste of time to compare.” – Susan Brennan

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Hi, I'm  Emily

I'm just a girl from Ohio with really big dreams, but the truth is, I always knew I was meant for more. I know firsthand what it means to feel that you're not living the life that you want, and yet not know how to make it happen. To wonder with each passing day, when your life is finally going to "get good". I've been there. Since transforming my own life, I've gone on to help thousands of women just like you so you can finally achieve your true potential and ultimately, create a life that's better than your dreams. If I can do it, you can too.

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