

Giving Yourself Permission to Change and Pivot: Post-Rebrand Thoughts

Pink Notebook on White Desk with Gold Pen

Have you been considering a business or career pivot lately, or thinking about quitting your current role and starting a new chapter? Maybe you’re busy weighing up your options because the path you’re currently walking no longer feels fully aligned with your long-term vision? Are you secretly afraid of what will happen when you admit to changing your mind?

“So often we hang on to things that are no longer aligned. I’m definitely somebody who wants to be there to finish something. I want to be there at the finish line. I want to make sure that I’m true to my word. I want to follow through. I don’t want to just start a bunch of things and not actually complete them. But sometimes, it’s actually braver to pivot, or to cancel something, or to not move forward with something.” – Emily Williams

So many of us harbor hidden fears, doubts, and insecurities around changing directions in life. Not only do we worry about the practical fallout of our decisions (will we jeopardize our income or lose time figuring out what comes next?) but we also project how other people might respond to our sudden change of heart. It’s perfectly natural to crave validation and acceptance, not just from our loved ones, but from our wider communities. But putting your dreams on hold in order to avoid judgment is not what we’re about here at I Heart My Life.

I’ll be the first to admit that prior to pivoting the IHML brand, I had so many preconceived ideas of what people would think. I worried about the reaction I would get from my team, my clients, and our wider community. I was also anxious that after all this work and effort, my vision wouldn’t work out—and I would find myself going back to the drawing board in a very public way. But at this stage, being in alignment with my vision was a non-negotiable—so instead of dwelling on my fears, I decided to follow my heart, step into the spotlight, and do it anyway. 

Lovely, I’m so glad I did. I truly couldn’t have anticipated the outpouring of love I’ve received from our community these past few weeks as I’ve shared the story behind our rebrand. It goes to show that by being vulnerable and letting people into our world, we can unlock a whole new level of connection. I’ve always believed that we learn and grow by listening to other people’s stories—and I couldn’t be more grateful that my story interested and inspired so many of you to pursue your own prosperous pivots.

In this episode, I’m giving you an insight into all of the lessons I’ve learned over the last few weeks as we have unveiled our rebrand and launched the Emily Williams brand. If you haven’t yet listened to our two-part Rebrand Reveal series here on the podcast, I highly recommend that you check those episodes out first (Part 1 is here and Part 2 is here), so that you can get an insider look at the highs and lows (and there were plenty!) of my most transformational year in business to date—which led to my decision to reposition and revitalize IHML in the first place.

I hope it gives you the permission slip you need to listen to your heart, face your fears, and share your story openly and vulnerably—because you never know how many lives you could positively impact in doing so. And if things don’t feel aligned for you right now, don’t be afraid to make a change, Lovely. Everything you want is available for you. You just have to have that leap of faith and be brave.

In This Episode:

  • The importance of giving yourself credit and celebrating your wins
  • Some incredible feedback we’ve received from the IHML community 
  • The fears I had to face in order to be open and vulnerable in sharing my story
  • The value of vulnerability as a coach or an expert 
  • What happens when we go against our gut instincts
  • The money mindset process that helped me to prosperously pivot (rather than risking bankruptcy)
  • Why it’s so important to love and believe in what you’re selling 
  • How you can let people into your world on a deeper level right now
  • How to use storytelling as a marketing tool to create deeper and more authentic connections with your community 
  • Why you shouldn’t worry about attracting everybody in business, and get in alignment instead
  • Your permission slip to share what’s on your heart, and pivot in the direction of your dreams


“Check in with yourself and ask: is there anything that you need to give yourself credit for today? Is there anything that you’ve done, or a way in which you’ve shown up, that is really impactful and is something to be commended? We can’t wait until other people celebrate us. We have to give celebration to ourselves and give ourselves a pat on the back.” – Emily Williams

“If you are somebody who has an audience or you want to have an impact in the world, I want to give you a permission slip to be vulnerable and to be real with your community. People are so grateful when you share real life, not just the highlight reel.” – Emily Williams

“So often we hang on to things that are no longer aligned. I’m definitely somebody who wants to be there to finish something. I want to be there at the finish line. I want to make sure that I’m true to my word. I want to follow through. I don’t want to just start a bunch of things and not actually complete them. But sometimes, it’s actually braver to pivot, or to cancel something, or to not move forward with something.” – Emily Williams

“We really have to ask ourselves on a regular basis: am I operating from a place of desire, am I operating from a place of alignment, or am I just staying the course because I feel like I should?” – Emily Williams

“You’re going to be able to sell so much better if you are actually in alignment with what it is that you’re putting out there, because sales is just an expression of belief. So you have to believe in what it is that you were putting out into the world.” – Emily Williams 

“I believe there’s always enough money. I believe there’s always an opportunity. There’s always an answer. There’s always a solution to every single problem. We just need to look for it. And if our eyes are focused on lack, that’s what we’re going to see. If we’re focused on abundance, that’s what we’re going to see.” – Emily Williams 

“If this is the permission slip you need to do things differently and to get into alignment, please do so. Don’t be afraid. Everything you want is available for you. You just have to have that leap of faith and be brave.” – Emily Williams 

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In case you missed it:

Listen to Part 1 of the Rebrand Reveal Series

Listen to Part 2 of the Rebrand Reveal Series

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Hi, I'm  Emily

I'm just a girl from Ohio with really big dreams, but the truth is, I always knew I was meant for more. I know firsthand what it means to feel that you're not living the life that you want, and yet not know how to make it happen. To wonder with each passing day, when your life is finally going to "get good". I've been there. Since transforming my own life, I've gone on to help thousands of women just like you so you can finally achieve your true potential and ultimately, create a life that's better than your dreams. If I can do it, you can too.

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Giving Yourself Permission to Change and Pivot: Post-Rebrand Thoughts

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