

Allowing Your Soul to Lead You to Your Dreams with Jennifer Jayde

Jennifer Jayde Headshot

Success found through fear does not equal fulfillment. For Jennifer Jayde this sentiment marked a pivotal change in her life and her career.

Jennifer, a former mortgage broker turned successful photographer and life and business coach, found herself in her mid-twenties having achieved everything that she believed would bring her happiness. She was married to a supportive husband, thriving in a well-paying career, and owned multiple properties… but something was missing. 

“When the student is ready, a teacher appears.”

-Jennifer Jayde

One day she received a call that literally turned her life upside down. A close family member was diagnosed with a terminal illness at a very young age and was going to be leaving behind two daughters. The feelings of unhappiness and doubt were already creeping in, and it was in this moment that she realized she needed to make a big change.

Jennifer started pursuing her passion of photography and went all in. After winning multiple awards and traveling the world, she thought she’d finally found her path. But those overwhelming  feelings of doubt came creeping back. 

Listen as Jennifer shares the path she took to find her true calling in coaching others to find and follow their passions. The fears are still there, but with every step she takes, her journey is revealed more clearly than ever. 

Through it all, Jennifer has realized  that her greatest fear is reaching her deathbed with  regrets. So with every step, Jennifer follows her heart, takes soul-aligned action and propels herself toward a life she loves. All while inspiring others to do the same along the way.

In this Episode: 

[02:01] Welcome Jennifer to the show and learn about the path that led her to her dreams. 

[05:24] Hear the wake up call that drove her to make big changes in her life. 

[08:12] Jennifer shares what her greatest fear is now and how it moved her forward. 

[11:03] Learn how Jennifer found out about coaching and why she knew it was her path. 

[13:11] It’s important to push yourself out of your comfort zone to keep growing. 

[16:17] Remember to surround yourself with people who dream big and think big. 

[18:09] Why group programs help push the need forward, even if you have already invested in one-on-one coaching. 

[21:27] Listen as Jennifer shares the huge game-changer that shifted her mindset. 

[23:26] How has Jennifer’s life changed since our Paris live event? 

[28:52] Clarity comes from action, so keep moving.

[29:54] Why your actions still need to be soul-aligned. 

[32:38] Jennifer shares the biggest challenge she’s faced over the last few years. 

[39:16] Connect with Jennifer and find out what’s coming up next for her.

[41:25] Listen to your soul to create a life better than your dreams.

Links & Resources: 

Click to learn more about I Heart Coaching

Subscribe to the Podcast: 

I Heart My Life Show on Apple Podcasts
I Heart My Life Show on Spotify

Connect with Jennifer: 

Jennifer’s Website

The Awakening by Jennifer Jayde
The Awakeners Certification

Jennifer on Instagram

Connect with Emily: 

I Heart My Life Website
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Episode Sponsor: I Heart Coaching


“When the student is ready, a teacher appears.” – Jennifer Jayde

“Do I want to get to my deathbed and never know what could have been? What if this is a huge success? And even if it isn’t, I would rather try and risk failing at something than to never know what could have been.” – Jennifer Jayde

“If you allow your soul to lead the way and you say “yes!” even despite the fear that your head is trying to create. The loud obnoxious fear that it creates. If you drop down from your head into your heart and you just say yes and you hang on and you trust that, it’s amazing what unfolds from there.” – Jennifer Jayde

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Hi, I'm  Emily

I'm just a girl from Ohio with really big dreams, but the truth is, I always knew I was meant for more. I know firsthand what it means to feel that you're not living the life that you want, and yet not know how to make it happen. To wonder with each passing day, when your life is finally going to "get good". I've been there. Since transforming my own life, I've gone on to help thousands of women just like you so you can finally achieve your true potential and ultimately, create a life that's better than your dreams. If I can do it, you can too.

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Allowing Your Soul to Lead You to Your Dreams with Jennifer Jayde

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