Want to know a secret?
I’m actually writing this email to you in the back of a car as I travel down to St. Tropez from Cannes, France.
I’m on my way to meet three of my colleagues and my Coach Gina DeVee for three days of conferences and business building.
And today, I want to share what “something more” means to me.
This morning on the treadmill, one of my favorite songs came on my iPhone – “Something More” by Sugarland.
That song always resonates with me because I’ve always known I was meant for “something more” but I didn’t always know what that was.
At first I thought it was a Master’s in Psychology, then maybe it was to write a best-selling book, and then to become a world-renowned Matchmaker.
For so long, I wanted to have it all figured out I was desperate to learn what my “something more” was so I could step up to the plate and answer the calling.
Is that how you feel today?
So often we’re taught that we have to have everything mapped out before we start.
I’m here to tell you that most of us rarely do. (As you can see, I don’t even write my newsletters more than a day in advance!)
The most important thing is to keep the faith in terms of what you’re meant for and to continuously take action on behalf of your dreams until you get the clarity you’re looking for.
Even during those confusing times, I never lost sight of what I was meant for, and I didn’t wait until everything was perfect to take action steps, and that, lovely, is how I discovered coaching.
Just know that by you believing that you’re meant for something more and being willing to follow your heart, everything will get clearer.
And once it does, your life (and biz) can transform very quickly.
Let’s be real – I went from broke, lost and in tons of debt to sitting in the back of a gorgeous Mercedes writing my newsletter to thousands of amazing people all over the world while traveling in the South of France (after spending two weeks in Paris) about to meet my world-renowned 7-figure Success Coach for training that’s teaching me how to become a millionaire in essentially my first 18 months of business.
If that doesn’t show you that anything is possible, then I don’t know what will!
So if you’re feeling called to answer your “something more”, start with what you know today. Take the first step. You don’t have to know exactly how it will all turn out – you don’t even have to have the whole plan in place. (In fact, that’s part of the fun!)
I believe in you, lovely.
To your something more.
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