Happy Monday!
Today, I want to talk about creating the life you really want and love.
At one point (not too long ago), I was struggling and had a life that definitely didn’t resemble anything that I’d dreamed of growing up.
I was broke, single, living in a tiny closet-sized apartment, and unable to enjoy anything that London had to offer in terms of shopping or food. I was thousands of dollars in debt and had yet to start my dream business.
Even then though – I always had hope and belief in my abilities and knew that my desires were meant for me and there for a reason.
During that time, although it wasn’t always easy, I held onto what I knew was possible for me: true love and financial freedom through owning my own company.
I chose to work on the “soulmate search” first so I invested in online dating – sometimes going on 4 dates per week to try to meet the one.
(I do believe in fate, but I also believe in putting in the action to help it along!)
It got to the point where everyone told me to give it a rest and to just “let” him come into my life naturally. I didn’t agree with that though so I kept moving forward with the dating process, and thank goodness I did!
I met my husband James for a breakfast date along the Thames River in London on July 31, 2011 and we were married the following year. And in all honesty, he’s the best thing to ever happen to me and is most definitely my soulmate.
This past weekend, James and I went out to dinner at one of our favorite 5-Star London restaurants, and I was reminded about just how different my life really is now…
Although James and I both knew we could afford the restaurant we were eating at that day, I found myself reverting back to my old habits when the waitress asked me what I wanted to eat. I was about to order my meal based on price and what was the cheapest – not based on what I actually wanted at the time (the truffled macaroni and cheese). I caught myself though and didn’t give into my old habits. (And you better believe that those truffles were worth every penny!)
Now this email is not about me bragging about now being able to afford truffles or the fact that I have such a great love in my life, but the truth is, I’ve made that happen for myself and you can too.
Your life can unfold exactly the way you’ve always dreamed of. When you hold onto the faith and believe that something is possible for you, it can happen!
And guess what?! Life can unfold even better than you could’ve ever imagined!
I know mine has…
Yes, of course there’re challenges at times, and I’m still learning a lot every day, but I have a business and a husband that lights me up.
Is that what you desire? Do you want to go out to dinner and order something you really crave instead of deciding based on the price? Do you want to start your own business? Do you want to find true love? Do you want to travel the world and work from your laptop? Do you want to wake up excited to start your day?
Believing it’s possible for you is the first step.
You can design the life you really want and it doesn’t have to take years. My life looks drastically different from what I had even 6 months ago and yours can too.
To help you along that path, I’ve created a brand new free training series just for you that shares how I’ve been able to get such fast success. It’s a 4-part training series called “6 Figures in 6 Months”.
Click below to register to start the free training!
Until we speak again, have a lovely Valentine’s Day and keep believing in your dreams and taking action towards them!
P.S. If you need some support in truly creating the life and biz you want, be sure to sign up for my 90 Days to $6k Months Group Program!
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