A few months ago when I approached a spinning instructor about being my personal trainer, she asked me what my goal was and if I had an event or something coming up. Without even really thinking about it, the words out of my mouth were “Oh, I have some TV stuff coming up and I want to be in shape”.
I remember going home and telling James that that naturally came out of my mouth. And he just laughed because I didn’t officially have any “TV stuff” coming up – but in my mind I did…
Being featured on TV and having doors open with media opportunities had been on my mind as a next big step for my biz, and I truly believed that an opportunity was already on its way to me – so much so, that it just felt natural to tell my trainer that’s why I was hiring her.
I knew in my heart that the desire was there, and I had set an intention for this to happen and focused a lot of energy on it becoming my reality.
Maybe you’re wondering why I’m sharing this with you today and why you telling yourself something that’s not actually true yet, is such a huge part of actually getting what you want.
That’s just it, lovely, as Wayne Dyer says, you have to believe it to see it.
And I’m already seeing the fruits of that belief…
In fact, just recently I spent time in NYC filming spots for Money…
And I’m now a part of a high-level mastermind with top Publicity Coaches and super connectors Selena Soo and Chris Winfield. I’ve spent the last few days learning from them and meeting some incredible people within the media at a very special Influencer Dinner last week.
People like…
The Writer and Senior Editor at US Weekly and USMagazine.com, the Editor-in-chief of Money Magazine, Todd Herman, High Performance Coach and Creator of The 90 Day Year, Ryan Lee, Founder of Freedym Media + Creator of the 1 Email a Day method, Mike Michalowicz, Best-Selling Author of Profit First, The Pumpkin Plan, Surge & The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur and many more!
The truth is, lovely, so often we don’t let ourselves really see the possibilities. Of course, we can’t know the future, but it’s so key to envision what we want for ourselves in order to create it, and to believe that it’s possible and already on its way.
Like my one of my clients – she had an experience where it seemed like things weren’t working in her program launch. Clients just weren’t coming in like she’d expected in the beginning. But she kept the faith and said she chose not to see the fact that there weren’t any sales – she instead chose to see what was surely on its way to her (the clients she desired!).
And you know what? She actually far exceeded her goals in the end because she kept the faith and didn’t pay attention to what wasn’t there yet, but instead focused on the possibilities.
It’s amazing what can happen when we don’t see the lack of something, but instead choose to see the possibility of all that’s coming our way. Our focus, energy, and attention creates our reality, and we have the power to shape our lives in the ways we desire.
It’s true, lovely – you have the ability to take your life in the direction of your dreams.
So lovely, what do you need to see more clearly in your life? Where do you need to stop focusing on the lack and start focusing on what’s possible? What intention do you need to set this week to start seeing your desires coming to you?
Focus your mind and heart wholly on what you desire, believe it’s possible, and I bet you’ll be having your own “TV stuff” moment sooner than you think!
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