

How to Pivot Your Business and Align With Your Passion

Creating a life you love sometimes means making bold pivots in your career to align with what truly lights you up. No one embodies this better than Jamie Bright, an online business strategist who made a significant shift from a successful photography business to helping online entrepreneurs grow through strategic email marketing and business coaching.

In our recent conversation, on the I Heart My Life Show,  Jamie shared her journey of realizing when it was time to pivot and how she embraced change to create a business that’s more aligned with her passions. As entrepreneurs, we can often feel stuck in what’s familiar, but Jamie’s story teaches us that sometimes the most powerful move we can make is to let go and move in a new direction.

Recognizing the Need for Change

Jamie shared how, after building a successful photography business, she began to feel that it no longer aligned with her long-term vision. The market was becoming crowded, and her niche became too broad, which left her feeling disconnected from her purpose. Rather than continue down a path that no longer excited her, Jamie decided to pivot into a completely new space—online business strategy.

Her story reminds us that success isn’t just about external markers like revenue or recognition. It’s about feeling connected to your work. If you find yourself feeling drained or uninspired, it might be time to reassess and consider a pivot that brings you closer to what lights you up.

Financial and Emotional Preparation

One of Jamie’s most important lessons was the importance of preparation before making a major shift. She didn’t just leap without a plan—she spent time creating a financial safety net and preparing herself emotionally for the challenges ahead. This allowed her to take a calculated risk with confidence, knowing she had a cushion to fall back on.

If you’re considering a big change, whether in your career or business, think about the steps you can take to prepare. Build up savings, seek support from mentors, and make sure you’re emotionally ready for the road ahead.

Creating Balance with Support

As a mom of six, Jamie had a lot on her plate. One of the key decisions she made was hiring a house manager to help with daily tasks, which gave her the freedom to focus fully on her business when needed and be present with her family when the workday was done.

For entrepreneurs balancing multiple roles, outsourcing tasks can be a game-changer. By getting support with household responsibilities or business admin, you can free up your time for what truly matters.

Aligning with What Energizes You

Jamie spoke about how, as she pivoted into the online business space, she became more attuned to what energized her. She discovered that while one-on-one coaching was effective, it left her feeling drained. Instead, she leaned into scalable strategies like email marketing, which allowed her to use her skills and passion in a way that felt more aligned with her energy.

This highlights the importance of paying attention to how your work makes you feel. Focusing on tasks that bring you energy, rather than deplete it, can lead to more sustainable growth and fulfillment.

How to Pivot and Build a Passion-Driven Business

If you’re feeling called to pivot and realign your business with your passion, here are some actionable steps from my conversation with Jamie Bright:

  1. Listen to Your Intuition: If your work no longer excites you, take time to reflect. Ask yourself if it’s time to make a change, and don’t ignore the signals that a pivot might be necessary.
  2. Prepare Financially and Emotionally: Make sure you have a financial plan in place before making a major shift. This could mean building up a savings buffer or finding a temporary income source while you transition.
  3. Outsource for Balance: If you’re juggling many roles, consider outsourcing tasks that don’t require your personal touch. Whether it’s hiring help at home or in your business, freeing up your time will allow you to focus on your strengths.
  4. Align Your Work with Your Energy: Pay attention to how different tasks make you feel. Are there aspects of your work that drain you? Focus on what energizes you and brings you joy—that’s where your business will thrive.

Final Thoughts

Jamie Bright’s journey is an inspiring example of how pivoting and trusting your intuition can lead to success and fulfillment. By listening to what excites and energizes her, Jamie was able to build a business that aligns with her passions, while maintaining balance as a mother and entrepreneur. Her story shows us that it’s never too late to make a change—and sometimes, the greatest rewards come from following what truly lights you up.

If you’re ready to take the next step in creating a business that aligns with your passions, download my Dream Life Guide. It’s designed to help you get clear on your vision and take action toward building the life and business you truly desire. Download it for free here.

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Hi, I'm  Emily

I'm just a girl from Ohio with really big dreams, but the truth is, I always knew I was meant for more. I know firsthand what it means to feel that you're not living the life that you want, and yet not know how to make it happen. To wonder with each passing day, when your life is finally going to "get good". I've been there. Since transforming my own life, I've gone on to help thousands of women just like you so you can finally achieve your true potential and ultimately, create a life that's better than your dreams. If I can do it, you can too.

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