I have struggled for what seems like my whole life with loving the body that I came in. My sister and mom have always been thinner than me and I like to eat good food, but this has been a year of transformation. I reached out to Lisa Bodenburg to help me recalibrate my health habits and it’s time to share.
Lisa and I met through a mutual friend and I was blown away by her dedication to her health. We’d all gotten together and were having a meal at a restaurant and Lisa was on a cleanse. She spent a good bit of time explaining exactly how she wanted her meal cooked because she was dedicated to staying true to her cleanse.
“The desires of your heart are meant to be followed because that’s exactly who you are. You can truly do anything you put your mind to. So if your mind and your heart is telling you to do something you’re only selling yourself short if you don’t take the opportunity to go after that.” -Lisa Bodenburg
I had a lightbulb moment right there in the restaurant and I asked her about her commitment to her health. We’ll share more about that moment in the episode, but it was then that I knew I wanted to work with her. I needed that dedication to health in my life.
While James was away on a trip with his friends I started on the path to good health and a stronger me. (I’m happy to say I’m down 10lbs and feel better than ever!)
Listen in to hear all about the first 30 days of my journey, how you can get started, and why your ability to succeed is all in your mind. You can do anything you set your mind to. If you’re ready to make health and fitness a priority in your life, connect with Lisa and tell her that I Heart My Life sent you!
In this Episode:
[02:55] Welcome Lisa Bodenburg to the show to chat about health and fitness.
[03:50] Lisa shares about her background and why she moved into fitness coaching.
[07:41] Why she felt so called to turn to health and fitness when she was in a dark place.
[08:45] How did she find herself in her Los Angeles?
[11:18] … and then she turned back to boxing and sought after the Olympics.
[13:23] Learn how Lisa and I met.
[15:00] Lisa knows how food makes her feel and she’s dedicated to feeling her best.
[18:38] Do most people feel like they don’t have the time and knowledge to be healthier?
[21:18] Why it’s so amazing that they can work together and see each other in person.
[24:07] Learn more about the experience you’ll have in the first few weeks of Lisa’s plan.
[28:57] Lisa shares her perspective on the difference between people who succeed and fail on her plan.
[30:38] Why mindset is so important to fitness.
[33:50] Stop the self sabotage and self abuse.
[37:00] Lisa explains why the first 6-weeks are so important.
[39:58] What is the importance of exercise and strength training as you make these lifestyle changes?
[44:21] Your scale is not the end all be all.
[45:23] Best practices to get started on your own health shifts.
[46:38] What is one way that you can create a life better than your dreams?
[47:22] Connect with Lisa.
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Episode Sponsor: I Heart My Life Membership
“The desires of your heart are meant to be followed because that’s exactly who you are. You can truly do anything you put your mind to. So if your mind and your heart is telling you to do something you’re only selling yourself short if you don’t take the opportunity to go after that.” Lisa Bodenburg
“Looking at the positive versus maybe what I’m missing out on or any sort of loss pain that may be there. Obviously we can do that with any area of our life, not just fitness. It’s shifting the focus to what we’re gaining and that opportunity benefit that’s there versus the loss.” – Emily Williams
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