

How to Keep Showing Up (Even When You Want to Quit)

woman hiding

Lately, I’ve been having a lot of conversations about how to get the results you want. One thing that keeps coming up—especially in my own journey—is this: success comes from continuously showing up for yourself.

I know for a fact that I take more action than most people. That also means I probably fail more. In fact, I definitely do. 

For example, in the beginning of building my business, I went through a period where I heard 54 no’s in a row. 🤦🏼‍♀️ That’s 54 people telling me they didn’t want to work with me. It felt like rejection after rejection, and I started wondering if I was doing something wrong—or worse, if I just wasn’t cut out for this.

I remember getting on a call with my coach, feeling completely defeated. I told her, “This isn’t working. I don’t know what else to do.” I had followed the strategies, put myself out there, and done everything I thought I was supposed to do—yet nothing was clicking.

But instead of telling me to give up, she pointed out that I was attracting a lot of potential clients. Clearly I was doing something right. I just needed to get better at the sales part of the equation. 

That shifted something in me. Instead of seeing each no as proof that I was failing, I started seeing them as steps toward my inevitable success. I kept going, kept refining, kept showing up. And sure enough, the yeses started coming.

If I had given up after no #54, I never would have seen what was possible. But instead, just a few months later, I had reached 6-figures in sales.

That’s why I believe the only way to fail is to stop showing up. You never know when your breakthrough is right around the corner.

When you keep testing, trying, putting yourself out there, asking the right questions, showing up boldly, and refusing to take setbacks personally—things will eventually fall into place.

The hardest part? No one can give you an exact timeline.

You’ve probably seen that graphic of a person digging underground, about to hit diamonds, but turning around right before reaching them. That could be you right now. And the truth is, there’s no way of knowing exactly when your breakthrough will come. That’s tough.

I know because I’ve been there.

Even more recently, there were days where I wondered if I could continue. I was in the middle of a major business crisis—things weren’t working the way they used to, I was pivoting into something new, and on top of that, I had a brand-new baby.

I felt completely overwhelmed. I was exhausted, questioning everything, wondering if I should just stop. I remember sitting there, thinking, “Maybe this just isn’t for me anymore. Maybe I should just let it go.”

But my dreams and desires fuelled me.

I decided to shift my energy and focus on what I could control. I stopped obsessing over the things that weren’t working and instead asked myself, “What’s the next best step I can take today?” 

And little by little, things started to shift. Not overnight, not in some magical, movie-worthy way—but through consistent action. And eventually, I found myself not just back on track but building something even better than before.

So if you’re in that place right now—where you’re exhausted, frustrated, or wondering if this is even worth it—I see you. I’ve been there. And I promise, the moment you’re in now is not the end of your story.

So, when you feel like quitting—when it seems like nothing is working—what do you do?

Here are 10 tips that I’ve used in my life over and over again…

Let’s call it

How to Keep Showing Up (Even When It Feels Like Nothing is Working) 

1. Detach From Immediate Results
It’s natural to want instant proof that your efforts are paying off. But success is built on momentum, not immediate gratification. Focus on the process, not just the outcome.

2. Zoom Out & Look at the Bigger Picture
Ask yourself: “Where was I a year ago? How have I grown? What progress have I already made?” Small wins stack up over time, but they’re easy to overlook when you’re focused on what’s not working.

3. Shift from ‘Failure’ to ‘Feedback’
Every time something doesn’t work, it’s giving you data. Instead of saying, “This failed,” reframe it as, “What did I learn?” Then adjust and keep going.

4. Break It Down & Simplify
Overwhelm leads to paralysis. Instead of focusing on everything you think needs to happen, ask: “What’s the next best step I can take today?” One small action at a time builds momentum.

5. Change the Environment, Not the Dream
Sometimes, it’s not that your goal is wrong—it’s that your approach, routine, or energy needs a reset. Change your workspace, switch up your strategy, take a break to recharge—but don’t quit on your vision.

6. Surround Yourself With Expanders
Find people who have been where you are and pushed through. Listen to their stories. Get in spaces where the energy of possibility is high. If you don’t have those people in your immediate circle, find them online, in books, in podcasts.

7. Reconnect to Your Why
Go back to the reason you started in the first place. Is this still something you deeply desire? If so, remind yourself daily why it matters. If not, adjust the path—but don’t abandon yourself.

8. Move Your Body, Move Your Energy
When you feel stuck, do something physical—walk, dance, stretch, breathe deeply. Shifting your energy physically can shift your mental and emotional state.

9. Trust the Invisible Progress
Just because you don’t see instant results doesn’t mean things aren’t happening behind the scenes. Sometimes the biggest breakthroughs come after the longest plateaus.

10. Make Quitting a Non-Option
Instead of asking, “Should I quit?” ask, “What would I do if quitting wasn’t an option?” That question alone shifts you into problem-solving mode instead of defeat.

At the end of the day, your success is inevitable if you just keep going.

So, when it feels like it’s not working, remember this: just because you can’t see the diamonds yet doesn’t mean they’re not there. Keep digging. 💎

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Hi, I'm  Emily

I'm just a girl from Ohio with really big dreams, but the truth is, I always knew I was meant for more. I know firsthand what it means to feel that you're not living the life that you want, and yet not know how to make it happen. To wonder with each passing day, when your life is finally going to "get good". I've been there. Since transforming my own life, I've gone on to help thousands of women just like you so you can finally achieve your true potential and ultimately, create a life that's better than your dreams. If I can do it, you can too.

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woman hiding


Lately, I’ve been having a lot of conversations about how to get the results you want. One thing that keeps coming up—especially in my own journey—is this: success comes from continuously showing up for yourself. I know for a fact that I take more action than most people. That also means I probably fail more. In fact, I definitely do.  […]

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