Today is my 39th birthday 🎉🎂, and I’m reflecting on where I’m at and where I want to go in the year ahead.
I’m also looking at what’s happened in this decade so far. I can’t believe this is my last year of my thirties so I thought I’d reflect back on the top 9 lessons I’ve learned (one per year) and share them with you today…
1. You’re far more capable than you know.
The first photo that showed up on my search from 2015 was one from a video series that I recorded. The first one I’d ever done. It was so painful and took me 2x longer than the time the company allocated for it 🤦♀️…but I did it. And it helped me make over $1M in revenue of my signature program. I also hosted my first live event (after a coach told me not to and that I wasn’t ready!) at my dream location. Although it was the first time I’d ever done anything like that, it was incredibly powerful for everyone in the room. My point? Take a chance. You’re far more capable than you know!
2. Travel as much as possible.
2016 was full of travel. I looked back and that year we went to Vail, Colorado, New York City, Seville Spain, Paris, New York again, Naples, Florida, San Diego, Paris again (x2), Zurich, and then back to Vail. Wow! I’m so grateful for all of those experiences and memories. This also leads me to a bonus point…presence is a practice! That experience was so incredible…and yet I’m not sure how often I was actually present. I recently realized in my plant medicine journey that I carried a camera around for most of my life to document my memories because I haven’t actually been present. My point? What’s the point of life if we’re not actually there? Make the memories and do the things!
3. Build connections.
2017 for me was all about connections, events and masterminds. I created both personal and professional relationships that are still key to my success in life and business today. I know as an introvert, this hasn’t always been easy, and putting myself out there has definitely felt uncomfortable, but it’s always been worth it. My point? Connections are everything.
4. Follow your desires.
In 2018, James and I booked a ski chalet in France, I wrote my book from the Four Seasons in Florence, and James and I traveled around Italy. I also got my British citizenship. I spoke on a big stage. We traveled to New York. As I reflect on that year, so many of those things seemed unnecessary and were pure desires so I wrestled with them at the time. But looking back, I’m so grateful that I chose to do them! My point? Life is about living, and you’ll live your most aligned life when you follow your desires.
5. Trust yourself.
In 2019, we moved from the UK to Los Angeles. It was an incredibly hard decision because I had spent 9.5 years in London and met my husband there. It was one of my favorite chapters of my life. And yet, very easily, I could have told myself that I was crazy for wanting to go to the UK. I could have stayed in Ohio. But luckily, I trusted myself and made the move. My point? Trust your instincts when it comes to the big things…and when it’s time to make a change.
6. Be grateful for every moment.
I remember at the start of 2020 we had our first live conference – I Heart My Life Live. We ended the year in Vail and my husband re-proposed to me. As we all know, 2020 was incredibly challenging for many people. And so much of the life we were used to was gone. My point? Be grateful for the small things and the moments with loved ones.
7. Life gives you what you need.
In 2021, we somehow ended up building a house in Austin, Texas which I never could have ever envisioned. Although it wasn’t our forever place in the end, it was a chapter that helped set us up for the next chapter…so a “bridge chapter” I guess. My point? Life gives you what you need, and it’s often a big surprise.
8. There’s never going to be the perfect time.
For this one, I’m thinking about having my daughter. My husband and I were married for over 10 years before I got pregnant with Charlotte and that was intentional. I wanted to make sure my business was in a strong place before having a baby. Although we were very intentional with the timing of her conception (the part I think you can decide) my business basically blew up when I was just a few weeks pregnant. 🤦♀️ So there’s that. My point? Although in many ways, I’m grateful that I waited to have a baby, I can also see that there’s never a perfect time to completely change your life.
9. Don’t be scared to slow down to speed up.
2023 So many people have come to me over the years wanting to have fast growth like I did in my business – for example 7-figures in my first 18 months. But I always try to let people know that that experience was one of the most challenging in my life. And even if you’re moving fast now, you don’t have to continue that pace (and probably shouldn’t). One of my colleagues Mariah Coz talks about “slingshot season” where you deliberately pull back to then speed up. I love that concept. My point? You don’t always have to be rushing up the hill or trying to do the thing the fastest. That’s not always a recipe for success.
And remember to check out my Dream Life Guide. You can download it for free, and it will literally take you step-by-step through my life by desire methodology.
>>>Download the Dream Life Guide

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