The other day, I was having a conversation with some incredible women in my peer mastermind about reinvention and pivoting. One of the ladies shared that for the past nine months, she’s been feeling unclear about her desires and the direction she wants to take her business. After over 10 years in business, she was looking for feedback on a new idea that had finally come through for her.
As I listened to her, I couldn’t help but reflect on my own journey of reinvention over the past few years. I thought about the ways I could have approached things differently, and how I spent years navigating a path that, in hindsight, wasn’t as aligned as I hoped it would be.
The Truth About Reinvention
For four years, I went back and forth, making decisions that were really just a different version of the same thing. I thought I was pivoting, getting into alignment, and making bold moves—but in reality, I was still trapped by fear. I was afraid of venturing too far from what I had been doing, convinced that if I strayed too much, it wouldn’t work. Questions like “Will people get it?” “Will they be confused?” “Will they purchase?” kept swirling in my head. I even wondered, “Can I really be known for something new?”
If you’re in that place right now, trust me, I know exactly how it feels. It’s a tough spot to be in, and it can drive you crazy. But here’s the thing: it’s okay. You’re not alone in this.
During the conversation in my mastermind, a few of the other women chimed in with their own stories of big pivots. One of my colleagues shared how she went from running a $2M/year business to completely starting over. She downsized from having a team of 15-20 employees to having no one. She shared exactly what she would have done differently, step by step, to avoid starting from scratch. But when I asked her if she wished she had made different choices, she said no.
She knew she was ready to move on from the work that had once brought her joy, and if she had stayed on that path, her energy would have become lackluster, and that would have impacted everyone around her. Now, after making the difficult choice to reinvent her business, she feels like she’s running her dream business.
The Power of Clarity and Courage
I know so many ambitious women who have found themselves at a crossroads lately—especially after the world changed so much in recent years. Many of us have burned things to the ground and started from scratch, either by choice or circumstance. And for those of us on the other side, I think it’s essential to reflect and share what we could have, or would have, done differently during that time.
Looking back at my own reinvention journey, I realize I could have gotten clear much quicker if I had been braver and given myself more time to slow down. Instead of running from decision to decision, I could have tuned into my highest self, operating from a place of desire rather than fear.
But let’s be real—how often do we take the time to ask ourselves the big, important questions, especially when we’re feeling so much pressure?
I was recently reading The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin, and one quote stood out to me: “Look around you: there are so many remarkable accomplishments to appreciate. Each of these is humanity being true to itself, as a hummingbird is true to itself by building a nest, a peach tree by bearing fruit, a nimbus cloud by producing rain…”
What struck me most was the idea of “being true to itself.” This is the most important question you can ask yourself, whether you’re in a transition or not:
- Are you being true to yourself?
- Are you doing things in the way you want to do them?
- Are you working with clients in a way that fulfills you?
- Are you charging rates that feel aligned?
- Are you spending your time in a way that lights you up?
- Are you tapping into your greatest gifts?
- Are you making decisions that are true to you?
- Are you in alignment with your natural (or desired) way of doing life?
Or… are you just doing more of the same, hoping for a different result?
Of course, there are times when sticking with something is necessary—even if it’s not perfect—because you know where it’s leading. But more often than not, we have to muster up the courage to make a different decision.
The Two Types of People
I believe there are two types of people in the world:
- Those who can do something they don’t like for a long period of time.
- Those who can’t.
I’m definitely in the second camp. 😂 That means I follow my heart, regardless of where it takes me. And I fully believe that success and joy can coexist.
I know it’s scary. I know it feels uncertain to wonder if something’s going to work out. I know what it’s like to question how you’ll pay your bills or whether you’re making the right decisions. But I truly believe that your truth—your authentic desires—is where true success and happiness lie. If you have the desire, it’s because it’s meant for you. And something better is always waiting on the other side.
One of my other mastermind colleagues echoed this sentiment. She said she “needed time to just do life and figure out what she truly desired.” The clarity that followed has led to incredible action and momentum—something she hadn’t felt in years.
The Power of Letting Go
And here’s the cool thing: even if you don’t follow through on a certain idea or business, someone else will. Have you ever had an idea or creative instinct that you didn’t pursue, only to see someone else do it later? I’ve definitely been there.
Elizabeth Gilbert talks about this in Big Magic, where she says, “Ideas spend eternity swirling around us, searching for available and willing human partners.” If the idea isn’t meant for you anymore, let it go. Someone else will take it and make it their own. And that’s okay. You don’t have to carry the weight of every idea or creative impulse.
Your Invitation
So this weekend, I invite you to ask yourself the questions above. Whether you’re in the midst of a reinvention or not, taking the time to reflect and recalibrate is always important.
Ask yourself: What does it look like for you to be true to yourself? Let that be your compass as you navigate this next chapter of your life and business.
Because, at the end of the day, it’s not about the destination. It’s about being authentic to who you are and allowing that to guide every step of the way.
You’ve got this. ✨

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