
Personal Growth

7 Life-Changing Lessons from My Journey with Plant Medicine

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This year has been full of firsts for me, and one of the most transformative experiences has been exploring plant medicine. Now, before you jump to conclusions or start thinking I’m endorsing something “out there,” let me set the record straight: I’ve always been a pretty straight-laced person when it comes to substances. I grew up in the D.A.R.E. generation, after all! In my 38 years, I’ve been drunk maybe five times, never touched a drug, never smoked a cigarette, and hesitate to take even Tylenol. So, believe me when I say this was not a decision I made lightly.

Over the last few years, I’ve been drawn to hearing stories from colleagues who’ve used plant medicine as a healing modality. And as you might know, the past two years have been especially challenging for me, which opened me up to exploring new ways to heal from both past and recent traumas. I started listening to more stories of transformation, many from people I least expected, and I was intrigued by how profound their healing journeys were. Eventually, I decided to take the plunge and book a retreat with a trusted facilitator.

Now, let me make it clear: this isn’t a promotion for plant medicine. It took me years to feel ready for this, and not everyone is in the right place to try it. But after hearing so many life-changing experiences, I knew it was something I needed to explore for myself. Even after booking the retreat, my body and mind fought me every step of the way. I hesitated, second-guessed, and even reached out to my facilitator to express my struggles. But they reminded me that this discomfort was part of the process—and they were right.

And now, here I am, on the other side of this journey, and my life is forever changed. I want to share some of the big lessons I learned during my experience, not just for the sake of sharing my personal story, but because these insights can apply to all of us. (And yes, I did spend hours crying—big, deep, soul-cleansing tears!) 😉

1️⃣ I Can Be Both Versions of Myself

One of the most profound lessons came through the music. My facilitator had me share five songs that were meaningful to me, and one of them was Gold Rush by Taylor Swift. As I listened, I had flashbacks to the times I drove down the freeway in my Range Rover in Santa Barbara—feeling on top of the world, living my dream life with my dream business and dream partner. But I struggled with reconciling that version of myself with the mom who values family life and living close to the people I love in Ohio. During the journey, I asked myself, “Can I be both?” And the answer was a resounding YES. It was incredibly freeing to realize I didn’t have to choose one over the other.

2️⃣ I Want to Be More Present—Way More Present

Another song that came up was from the movie About Time. This movie always gets to me because it’s about appreciating the fleeting moments of life. And during my journey, I realized that I’ve been missing out on my own life by being too focused on work and not being present enough with my loved ones. That’s when I also realized why I’ve always taken so many photos: it’s because I’m afraid of missing out. This awareness shifted something deep within me, and now I’m committed to showing up fully in my life.

3️⃣ I Need to Stop Letting Others Project Their Fears and Beliefs onto Me

I’ve always been someone who takes on the emotions and fears of others—especially those of previous coaches and bosses. For example, I’d once been asked by a former female boss if I was worried that my husband would leave me if I became too successful. I hadn’t even remembered this conversation until my ceremony. Realizing how deeply these projections had impacted me was powerful, and I know now that I need to let go of them and create space for my own vision.

4️⃣ It’s Time to Outsource My Business, Not My Daughter

A huge realization that came up during my journey was how I’m spending my time. I’ve been paying for a nanny, but I asked myself, why not invest in team members to help with my business instead? The balance between being a business owner and a mom is delicate, and I now see the importance of having more support in my business—not just with my daughter. This is still something I’m unpacking, but it was a major shift.

5️⃣ I’ve Been Holding Back on Letting My Husband Truly Love Me

When my wedding song played during the journey, I had an emotional breakthrough. I realized I’ve been holding back from letting my husband love me fully. I’ve always been so independent, and I now understand that part of me has been afraid to be vulnerable and let him truly care for me. This awareness has already had a huge impact on our marriage, and I’m working on being more present and open with him.

6️⃣ My Birth Story Was Exactly How It Was Meant to Be

During my journey, I revisited my birth story, which had been filled with sadness because I had to leave my newborn daughter’s side after a home birth turned into an emergency transfer to the hospital. I’d carried a lot of grief around this experience, but during my session, I realized that my daughter might have just wanted a night with her dad alone. This simple realization brought me so much peace, and it was a powerful reminder that we often bypass or suppress emotions we haven’t fully processed.

7️⃣ It’s Time to Let Go of Relationships That No Longer Serve Me

Finally, I had a powerful realization about the people in my life. There were certain individuals I thought of during the journey who no longer align with where I’m headed. I’ve learned that it’s okay to let go of relationships that don’t serve me anymore. This also extends to trusting my intuition when it comes to new people in my life, whether they are clients or personal relationships. One of the first steps I took after the ceremony was purging my Facebook friends list—removing anyone who didn’t align with my energy or values.

So, there you have it—7 profound lessons from my plant medicine experience. I hope that sharing this with you offers some insights, whether or not you’re ever interested in exploring plant medicine yourself. The key takeaway here is that there are always ways to heal and grow, whether through a unique experience like mine or by simply being open to new methods of self-discovery and personal growth.

If any of these lessons resonate with you, I encourage you to take them to heart and see where they might apply in your own life. Healing isn’t always linear, but it’s always worth it.

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Hi, I'm  Emily

I'm just a girl from Ohio with really big dreams, but the truth is, I always knew I was meant for more. I know firsthand what it means to feel that you're not living the life that you want, and yet not know how to make it happen. To wonder with each passing day, when your life is finally going to "get good". I've been there. Since transforming my own life, I've gone on to help thousands of women just like you so you can finally achieve your true potential and ultimately, create a life that's better than your dreams. If I can do it, you can too.

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