Embracing the Challenge: Why Hard Things Make Us Stronger
Sixteen years ago, I stumbled upon something that would change my perspective on life: hot yoga. I was 22 at the time, freshly graduated from college and heading toward grad school when I had a dramatic change of heart. Picture this: I literally turned my car around mid-journey and decided to rewrite my plans. What followed was a period of exploration that led me to work as an intern in a radiology department, researching something as obscure as eosinophilic esophagitis. Never heard of it? Don’t worry—neither has most of the world.
That career experiment lasted all of one quarter. I walked out of my physics final, realizing that the path I was on was not for me. But amidst the uncertainty of that time, I discovered hot yoga.
Falling in Love with the Heat (and the Sweat)
My first hot yoga class was memorable for many reasons—not the least of which was my choice of attire. I showed up in J.Crew yoga pants, sticking out like a sore thumb among the Lululemon-clad crowd. But none of that mattered. I loved it. The challenge, the intensity, the sweat—it was exhilarating.
Over the years, I kept in touch with my favorite teacher, Heidi, from that first class. She was one of those rare instructors who not only guided you through the poses but also transformed the entire experience. I even interviewed her when I was considering opening a yoga studio of my own in London. But when she mentioned cleaning toilets as part of the job, I quickly realized it wasn’t the business for me.
Fast forward to today, Heidi’s studio is just ten minutes from my home in Ohio, and I’ve made her classes a regular part of my routine. They’re as tough as ever—so hard, in fact, that I often feel like I might throw up. Yet, I keep going back. Why? Because I crave the challenge.
Why Challenges Scare Us—And Why They Shouldn’t
It’s funny when I think about it: I willingly throw myself into a grueling yoga class, yet there are other areas of my life where I resist challenges. Especially in business. Maybe you’ve felt the same way. When it comes to the hard stuff—whether it’s launching a new project, addressing a relationship issue, or pursuing a big goal—we hesitate. We avoid it. We convince ourselves that challenges mean we’re on the wrong path or not good enough.
But what if we’re wrong? What if challenges are exactly what we need?
Reframing Challenges as Opportunities
One of my favorite lessons comes from Kevin Hart’s book, I Can’t Make This Up: Life Lessons. He writes, “Sometimes the path that you’re on provides you with additional training in the form of challenge that is essential to your next level of success. And so what if life rejecting you right now is actually preparing you to win?”
What if we adopted that mindset? What if instead of avoiding challenges, we embraced them as opportunities to grow and prepare for something greater? It’s not always easy, but it’s possible. And it starts with reflecting on our past challenges.
The Power of Looking Back
Take a moment to think about the hardest experiences you’ve been through. Maybe it was a career setback, a relationship issue, or even a health scare. Write them down and ask yourself: What did I learn? How did I grow? Did it prepare me for something else?
When I look back at my own challenges, I see how each one has shaped me. The struggles of the past two years, for example, have been some of the toughest I’ve faced. Yet, I’ve chosen to believe that these challenges are preparing me for something big. This belief has helped me move through them with a sense of purpose and hope.
Shifting Your Mindset Around Challenge
Reframing challenges takes practice. Our minds are wired to see difficulty as a negative thing. But with consistent effort, we can train ourselves to view challenges differently. Here’s how:
- Reflect on Past Wins: Use your previous challenges as proof that you can handle the hard stuff.
- Find Gratitude: Look for the silver lining in your current struggles, even if it’s just 1% positive.
- Think Bigger: Remember that challenges are often preparing you for something greater than you can imagine.
How Embracing Challenges Impacts Others
Here’s the thing: when you embrace challenges, you’re not just transforming your own experience. You’re also inspiring those around you. Just like Heidi’s positivity makes her yoga class feel less daunting, your resilience can encourage your employees, family, or friends to face their own challenges with courage.
So, the next time you’re faced with something hard, ask yourself: How will overcoming this challenge impact others? How will it inspire them to see challenges as opportunities?
The Gift on the Other Side
The truth is, challenges aren’t meant to break us. They’re meant to build us. The bigger the challenge, the bigger the gift on the other side. Embrace the hard stuff. Push through the discomfort. Trust that it’s all preparing you for something incredible.
You’ve got this.
Want to Go Deeper?
If you’re intrigued by this idea of embracing challenges, check out my podcast episode with the incredible Alexi Panos. We dive deep into why challenges are essential and how to move through them with grace and resilience. Click here to listen.
And if this blog resonated with you, I’d love to hear your thoughts! Leave a comment or share your own experiences with challenges. Let’s continue the conversation and support each other on this journey.
Remember: the bigger the challenge, the bigger the reward.

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