I’m so excited to finally be able to share the behind of scenes of our new home in Austin, Texas.
If you’ve been following me over the year+, you’ll know that last year, my husband James and I decided (on a whim!) to buy a plot of land in Austin, Texas, and build our dream home…
(If you don’t know the story of how this actually happened, make sure you check out this episode on the I Heart My Life Show here. )
We filmed this video below a day after we closed on the house (and the day before we actually moved in).
This week was full of schronicity. For example, on closing day, I realized that a year ago to the day, I was texting with a friend about Austin. I had noticed that they’d moved from LA, and I wanted to know more.

That day, I’d purposefully gone for a drive in Santa Barbara in the hopes of connecting to my vision of owning a home there and manifesting it.
I was blasting Sia’s Angel by the Wings and connecting with the energy of “you can do anything” (as she says in the song).
An hour later, I was texting with Neeta.
An hour after that, I was on Zillow researching houses.
An hour after that, I was connecting with a realtor who would later find us our house and land.
An hour after that, we booked flights to check out Austin.
Two weeks later, after 72 hours in Austin, we signed a contract.
And a year to the day later, here we are closing on our first home.

This is the first home we’ve owned together and that, consequently, this was a huge personal project for us as a couple…
We were involved in every decision and had a say in everything from large-scale logistics, right down to the finer aesthetic details such as counter and cabinet colors…
…and so, I’d imagine you might be wondering how on EARTH I managed to have the capacity to hold ALL of this on top of running a super successful 7-figure business?
As with most things we set out to achieve, I had to adopt the right mindset.
Whenever I ran into problems, I found it really useful to pause to express gratitude for the situation I was in.
I would remember how fortunate I am to be in the position where I have a 7-figure business and can afford to build my dream home.
Similarly, I would focus on the destination and remember to enjoy the journey.
In this home tour, my husband James and I take you through our new home, sharing all of the ups and downs of building a property.
We also share the moments that most surprised us and how we differed on some of the decisions we had to make throughout the process.
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