

How to Build Wealth as an Entrepreneur

Woman holding her wallet.

There are many different reasons females become entrepreneurs, but one of the most consistent motivators among the women in business I personally know, is the desire to create wealth, so they can experience the freedom of time, energy, and location, and live luxuriously.  Something else I’ve noticed among female entrepreneurs is that when they’re just starting out, they’re looking for the system that’s going to really help them make it big. They think that the solution to all their financial problems lies in some sort of foolproof formula or framework, that if ONLY someone would reveal the industry’s ‘best-kept secret’ to them, they too will be able to rake in the cash and fly off into the sunset… maybe even on their own private jet!

But here’s the thing: strategy can only get you so far! The fact of the matter is that your thoughts create your reality, and so if you want to strike it rich through the business you’re building, your main priority should be changing the way you think about money. The secret to success lies between your temples, and when you change what you believe, when you change the way you perceive to that of a millionaire, you can’t NOT increase your revenue! It’s guaranteed.

That’s why, in today’s post, I’m going to share some tips and tools around money mindset, so that you understand what it REALLY takes to set yourself up for financial success, and can act accordingly. But… I have to admit that I’m cheating a little bit on this one! I’m using Emily’s all-new (complimentary) Masterclass as my guidelines for this blog, because let’s face it, she’s living proof that creating wealth is an inside job, and not only is she one of my favorite teachers around this topic, she’s the best in the business. (I mean hello, she made her first million in her first 18 months of business, has changed the lives of the HUNDREDS of students who’ve taken her I Heart Money program, AND she’s been featured in Forbes, Entrepenreur, and Inc.).  

Emily Williams promoting Money Masterclass.

So, with that being said, let’s dive in shall we? 

The first Money Mindset Shift she focuses on is: Getting Clear on the Life You Want. 

Why? Why is it important for us to clearly define the life we want? Because if we don’t know what we desire, what’s driving us to do the necessary work? What’s motivating us to create programs, products and services? And then what incentive do we have to stay the course? You guessed it… NOTHING.  But as Emily demonstrated, it’s totally possible to make a lot of money – to become a self-made MILLIONAIRE – FAST once you get clear on your desires. In fact, the more clarity you have, the easier it will be for you to make all the money you can imagine materialize, I’d argue. Your timeline is YOURS to make, but we’ve got some more work to do to really get you prepped and primed.

The second Money Mindset Shift she takes you through is: Uncovering the Money Story that’s Keeping you Broke (and what to do about it).

If you’ve never heard of a money story, it’s literally the blueprint for how we believe that money works (and in a lot of cases doesn’t) work for us. Our money story comes from ideas our family and culture has passed down to us, and is set by around age 7. In her training, Emily dives deep into  some of the ways in which you could have been conditioned to think about cash, but I’ll give you a few examples that I’ve heard in my own life and in the lives of my personal clients for the purposes of today’s blog post: 

  • Money doesn’t grow on trees
  • Money is the root of all evil, and 
  • Wanting to be rich is selfish 

If this is the first time you’re being introduced to this concept, it’s a great time to make a list of all the things you’ve been taught over the years about money, because if you’re holding onto unchecked and unconscious beliefs, how in the world do you expect to create wealth? You’re going to constantly be blown up and side tracked by these silent and incredibly deadly landmines that will keep you stuck right where you’ve always been. Emily has a 70 page workbook that she included in her training complete with reflective exercises (that she personally uses and utilizes with her own clients) that will help you illuminate your old strongholds so that you can move toward the life and business that you actually want. 

Money Mindset Masterclass Training.

Once we know some of those patterns that  have been keeping us stuck, we will be able to create new beliefs that actually support the lifestyle that we say that we want, but we’ve still got more work to do which is completely outlined in her final money mindset shift…

How to Transform Your Money Mindset to Make Millions

That’s right, Emily ALSO shares the tips, tools and the techniques that she swears by when scaling her successful empire. The building blocks of her method are built upon three key ideas: you have the power to control your thoughts, you have a mind – but you are not your mind, and your thoughts and words create your reality. Emily has several exercises that you can take a peek at for this stretch of the training, but one of my favorites is called: “Replacing Words.” This concept comes from the idea of creating conscious language habits. It literally means leaning in and examining what you say internally to yourself and out loud. If you’re constantly telling yourself that you’re in “debt” and that evokes feelings of negativity and shame (I can totally relate by the way), then that self-judgment will hold you captive. If, however, we change that word to reflect something more positive (and in a lot of cases more true), then we not only move ourselves out of judgment, but also into our growth, development, and expansion. Emily personally started to refer to her debt as an “investment,” as much of the debt she had accrued was in her own education and training to get her to where she wanted to be. Think about it, all of the resources that we have used in our lives, have taught us lessons about who we are, lessons that we can use to transform. If that’s not an investment, I don’t know what is!

Emily finishes her training by also handing you an 8 part blueprint for success, which I want to leave a little mystery around because if you haven’t already left this post to go learn these things directly from her, I’m hoping that’s the piece that will get you there! 

Dive into the the blueprint here

Yes, I want you to take the time to watch the class and do the work she’s literally delivered to you, because that’s another part of creating wealth for yourself: being a student of the ones who’ve created the life that you want. Taking the time to saturate your mind and your world with the teachings of mentors who have smashed through their personal limits and barriers to access abundance helps you not only learn what not to do but more importantly, show you what’s possible! There are going to be days, weeks, months, and years where you want to stop, where you wonder what it’s all for… and you need people in your corner offering their words of wisdom, and gentle (or not so gentle) words of encouragement to boldly go out and claim what’s rightfully yours.

The abundant life that you’re craving is meant for you and it’s also POSSIBLE for you. Emily would tell you herself that success looks like continuing to show up. Lay your internal foundation well, with purpose and intention to withstand and weather the storms that life is going to throw your way. 

So, what are you waiting for? 

Carve out some time to watch the training and make the exercises she has included part of your daily work in the week ahead, the future you will thank you.

Evelyn Fuson Smiling
Written by our contributor Evelyn Fuson.
Evelyn is a Mindset and Life Coach.

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Hi, I'm  Emily

I'm just a girl from Ohio with really big dreams, but the truth is, I always knew I was meant for more. I know firsthand what it means to feel that you're not living the life that you want, and yet not know how to make it happen. To wonder with each passing day, when your life is finally going to "get good". I've been there. Since transforming my own life, I've gone on to help thousands of women just like you so you can finally achieve your true potential and ultimately, create a life that's better than your dreams. If I can do it, you can too.

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