The concept is simple: give up tech (completely) for 24 hours and then report back in terms of how you feel and what your experience was. This was the challenge we gave our clients recently in the I Heart My Life Mastermind, and we’ve been blown away by the results they’ve experienced…
Here are a few of the responses we’ve gotten thus far…
“I loved it…It was nice to feel that I had so much more time. I felt laid back, relaxed and didn’t want it to end so I went for a few hours more than 24 hours….Slept like a baby and did another nice long morning ritual again on Sunday morning. LOVED IT!”
“It was great! I spent the morning journaling and reflecting. I then fell asleep in the sofa which felt awesome until my arm went numb hehe. I had a 2.5 hour sleep. I realised how tired I was and so I took that time and enjoyed that sleep. I cleaned, couldn’t call hubby to see what he wanted for dinner but everything just worked out perfectly. I was surprised at how much I didn’t want my phone. I think that a lot of the effort I put in with keeping tech out of the bedroom and not touching it for a few hours after waking helped me…. I LOVED that no one could reach me! SO MUCH.That no one knew where I was or what I was doing!”
“I did this last week! It was great! I called it a “Tech Sabbath” because I did it from 10pm Friday – 10pm Saturday, which is sorta the traditional time frame of the Jewish Sabbath. The overall feeling was RELIEF that I didn’t need to check or respond to anything.”
“That was an amazing experience. I did slow waaay down. Honestly, it was not comfortable initially. I was very aware of how everything I do is either on my phone or computer! I’m not much of a TV watcher, but I love to watch movies or series when I have down time. When hubby and I needed to do something online, I had to ask him to do it. I normally do ALL of it. I then watched how I wanted to tell him how to do it (he does just fine on his own!). I also noticed how I got bored at the end of the day. We ended up going to bed early, which was actually lovely! This is something I want to take on at least once a month, maybe more. I did see how there was space to reflect, and I was very present with hubby and what I was doing without distraction.”
In case it isn’t clear, here are some of the proven results of tech-free days…
- Lower anxiety
- Better sleep
- Overall happiness
- Understand the RIO of your current focuses
- Start to learn how to focus your mind
- Calm down the spinning thoughts in your head
- Take back control of your time
- Become more intentional with your time
- Come back to your business and life with a clear mind to then prioritize and plan your next move
So today, we recommend you pick a day over the next two weeks where you give this a try. Like the ladies above, you may even find that this becomes a regular practice in your life.
Want more on this concept?
Check out the podcast our founder recorded with Dr. Greg Wells. ?
? Why Slowing Down to Speed Up Equals More Success
It’s all about his recent book called Rest, Refocus and Recharge.
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