

How to Handle Loss and Grief with Evelyn Fuson: One Woman’s Story of Losing a Parent to COVID-19

Evelyn Fuson Smiling


Life is full of unexpected moments that can bring challenges, hardships, loss, or grief. Sometimes it all comes at once. Dealing with the emotions in the wake of these moments is a challenge in itself. It’s easy to feel defeated, shut down, or lost. On the other hand, it’s possible to move through these experiences and emotions and come out on the other side with a new perspective and appreciation. 

“No feeling is permanent. It’s okay not to be okay and still move forward and continue to pursue things that are important to you and put energy into them. I think it can be tempting to want to stop and stay [stuck].” -Evelyn Fuson

That’s exactly what the guest of this episode did. Evelyn Fuson is a kind and bubbly member of the IHML team who faced a significant loss in 2020. This past August, she lost her father to COVID-19, turning her world upside down. I admire Evelyn for her strength as she continues to navigate this season of her life. Moments like this can either cause people to shut down or inspire them to shine. Despite still struggling with her father’s death, Evelyn chooses to shine. 

I’m so grateful she was willing to come on the show and discuss her experience working through the grief she faces in the wake of her loss. 

Follow along as Evelyn opens her heart and shares this highly personal and emotional experience to instill hope in others who may be going through their own hardships. The truth is, we’re often unprepared when faced with loss or unexpected challenges. Although Evelyn believes that it’s nearly impossible to fully prepare yourself for these moments, she shares her advice for moving through them. As Evelyn points out, grief can come in waves. However, it is possible to keep moving forward. 

From making space for your emotions to being honest with yourself and others, she explains her biggest takeaways from this emotional experience. We also discuss the importance of self-love as Evelyn reflects on her most prominent realizations throughout this process of grief. She shares how she’s found peace in being her true self, being unapologetic, and creating boundaries as she heals from the pain. We also discuss why it’s so important to give yourself the time and space to process your emotions fully and why you have to fulfill your needs before you can truly help others as they cope. 

These conversations are so essential to our well-being. How often do people suppress their emotions or just keep chugging along, thinking that’s the only way? (Too often, I think). I hope that this episode can serve as a reminder that it isn’t the only way. Whether you believe we can prepare for these moments or not, having these raw and honest conversations help us understand, cope, and heal. It’s an essential step in moving forward. I invite you to join us in taking that step.

Unfortunately, loss and challenges are inevitable parts of life. Maybe you don’t need this conversation today, and that’s okay. Know that this episode is here for you whenever it is that you do. 

In this episode… 

[04:45] Welcome, Evelyn! She shares her story of loss and grief. 

[12:57] Evelyn shares why she gave herself permission to move through the emotions.  

[16:51] Grief comes and goes (sometimes surprising you). 

[18:20] Evelyn explains the ways she moved through the waves of grief. 

[22:23] Supporting others (while still supporting yourself) through grief. 

[25:17] Grief and its impact on relationships. 

[29:25] Can we ever prepare for loss? 

[33:27] Evelyn’s advice for moving through the pain and living life fully. 

[38:15] What Evelyn would share with her dad if he were still here. 

[41:08] Evelyn’s final words of advice for those looking for support with their dreams. 


“When you’re experiencing this emotion, trust your body’s intuition in the moment and experience it. Because whatever we resist, it’s still coming back in another way.”  -Evelyn Fuson

“No feeling is permanent. It’s okay not to be okay and still move forward and continue to pursue things that are important to you and put energy into them. I think it can be tempting to want to stop and stay [stuck].” -Evelyn Fuson

“I think there’s still power in being able to recognize that you get to decide the experience that you want to have. It may be surprising how we respond, or it may be surprising the things that come up for us. But I think [it’s about] being curious, instead of judgmental, about things that may come up, and trying to remember to have a lot of self-compassion as well.” -Evelyn Fuson

“[It’s powerful] being able to feel like you’re not alone and that whatever it is you’re feeling, there’s nothing wrong with that. Express it fully, let it out, be okay with it, and still move forward with the things that light you up. Live your life to the fullest because we aren’t promised any amount of time.” -Emily Williams 

“Instead of looking back on what I would change or if something were to be different, I’m just like, what can I learn from the experience and move forward?” -Evelyn Fuson

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Evelyn Fuson on Facebook

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I'm just a girl from Ohio with really big dreams, but the truth is, I always knew I was meant for more. I know firsthand what it means to feel that you're not living the life that you want, and yet not know how to make it happen. To wonder with each passing day, when your life is finally going to "get good". I've been there. Since transforming my own life, I've gone on to help thousands of women just like you so you can finally achieve your true potential and ultimately, create a life that's better than your dreams. If I can do it, you can too.

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How to Handle Loss and Grief with Evelyn Fuson: One Woman’s Story of Losing a Parent to COVID-19

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