

How a new coach made $216k in a year [Case Study]

I still remember the day Jennifer Jayde and I connected over the phone and she told me her story…

She was a mortgage broker turned photographer who had recently caught the coaching bug, and was seriously surprised by this turn of events — after all, she’d already made one career course correction when she left the safety of her “real job” making “good money” to become a wedding photographer.

Although there was plenty of fear involved in making that first decision, she excelled at photography for a few years before she realized there was something else in store for her… coaching.

At that same time, she had a wakeup call. She had suffered the loss of someone close to her and realized it was time to really live her life and pursue her dreams.

Can you relate?

When Jennifer came my way, she was craving 1:1 support. We had a conversation about what it would look like, and it was clear over the phone, she was all in. (Despite the fact that she initially thought the investment would be 3x LESS than what I quoted her.) She wasn’t going to let anything stop her and she knew investing in herself was the fastest way to reach her goals.

No only did she go all in — she asked me if instead of working with me for 90 days, could she double that and have six months of mentoring. Oh, and she also invested in our group program I Heart Coaching, to build her network and community.

You have to understand, Jennifer did not have this money. She had some of it but the rest of the investment was put on credit cards.

As she said in an interview we did together, that fueled her to take massive action and make that money back.

Fast-forward six months and I got to meet Jennifer at our graduation event in Paris.
During that event, I gave everyone in our I Heart Coaching program, a copy of the welcome packet they had filled out six months prior. After reading through that packet, Jennifer realized she’d actually reached the goal that she wrote down when we started our work together.

She had hit 6-figures in 6 months.

Admittedly, she didn’t even remember writing that. She’d heard me talk about hitting that milestone myself, and thought to herself “that would be nice” so she wrote it down.

And that was just the start for Jen.

Five months later, we had another conversation about her sales, and she was at over $216,000… in 11 months.

Needless to say, Jennifer made it happen. She’s now an author, a speaker and has made her personal goals come true as she just got her visa to live in her dream city of San Diego. In fact, I just got an email from her last week, expressing her excitement in the life that she’s built.

I wanted to share this story with you as a reminder of what’s possible.

When Jennifer started working with IHML, she wasn’t a coach. She didn’t have a coaching business. But now, with the support of the I Heart Coaching Program and 1:1 Coaching, she has a multiple 6-figure coaching business.

Want more details on the exact strategies we used to help Jennifer make this massive shift in her business?

>> Grab the free case study here. <<

We can’t wait to hear your thoughts!

You can also check out my full interview with Jennifer here, because why not? I cried basically the whole time because our conversation was so powerful. I know you will be moved too.

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Hi, I'm  Emily

I'm just a girl from Ohio with really big dreams, but the truth is, I always knew I was meant for more. I know firsthand what it means to feel that you're not living the life that you want, and yet not know how to make it happen. To wonder with each passing day, when your life is finally going to "get good". I've been there. Since transforming my own life, I've gone on to help thousands of women just like you so you can finally achieve your true potential and ultimately, create a life that's better than your dreams. If I can do it, you can too.

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