

A Simple Practice to Move Past Fear

We’re nearing the end of 2018, and it’s time to focus on moving past our fears!

Personally, I did a lot of things I was scared of this year…

Launching the IHML Show.

Hiring team members.

Putting myself out there more on video.

Writing a book.

Speaking on stage.

Pivoting our business.

Signing up with new coaches.

(Just to name a few!)

I’m sure you have a long list as well, lovely. Take a second and write down a few items on your list right now before you continue to read…

One of the ways in which I was able to move past those fears is pretty simple: by taking action.

I showed up and put myself out there, even when I didn’t know what the result would be. When I felt nervous about it. When it was outside my comfort zone.

I often teach our clients to do the same, but sometimes, they can’t actually get into action — the fear feels too heavy and big — it paralyzes them.

In those moments, my advice is simple: follow your fear.

Let me give you an example…

When I decided to do more Facebook LIVES in 2018, I first had to ask myself what I was scared of.

The answer was simple: being judged.

So I went through the following Q+A process (with myself) which is what I want to demonstrate to you today. Here it goes…

If I put myself on camera, and I’m judged, what will happen?

>>> I’ll get a mean email.

Then what?

>>>I may feel upset about it for an hour or even a day.

Then what?

>>>I’ll get over it and realize that most likely the judgment is about them not me. And even if it is about me, not everyone is going to like me, so I better get used to it.

Then what?

>>>I’ll be stronger because I will have been able to rise above and keep moving forward. Also, more people will have heard my message and will benefit from the teaching/coaching. The I Heart My Life Movement will grow.

(As you can see, when you follow the fear, you often arrive at the positive results. See why people say that everything you want is on the other side of fear?)

Practice this today, lovely, and I know you’ll start to see that what’s keeping you up at night, what’s paralyzing you, what feels so heavy today actually isn’t so scary.

And you’ll begin to understand your own limitations and growth edges (areas where you can lean in and start to transform today) to ensure you go to the next level in 2019.

Finally, you may even realize that what you were scared to do, is one of the things you now LOVE to do.

I never would have predicted that Facebook LIVE would be on the list of things I love doing, but it is.

Can’t wait to hear how this practice transforms your life and the results you get. Get ready for major shifts!

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Hi, I'm  Emily

I'm just a girl from Ohio with really big dreams, but the truth is, I always knew I was meant for more. I know firsthand what it means to feel that you're not living the life that you want, and yet not know how to make it happen. To wonder with each passing day, when your life is finally going to "get good". I've been there. Since transforming my own life, I've gone on to help thousands of women just like you so you can finally achieve your true potential and ultimately, create a life that's better than your dreams. If I can do it, you can too.

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