

What I’ve Learned From the IHML Show + Going on Hiatus

In case you missed it (somehow!) I’ve had the honor of recording and sharing 33 episodes of the IHML Show with you over the past eight months.

It’s been such an incredible experience — one I almost missed…

When I was approached to do the IHML Show in association with the America Out Loud Network and iHeartRadio last year, I initially said no.

I didn’t have the time and bandwidth, and frankly didn’t know what in the world I’d talk about.

But, a few weeks later in a spinning class, I had a major “a-ha” moment and realized I had to do it. I was being called to. I had a vision of what was possible with the show and knew I was being invited to step up.

So I said yes, and honestly, I’m so grateful I followed my heart with this one.

The 34 people James and I have interviewed (one to be released this week!) have been gamechangers in our lives too.

If you’ve been watching the Show, you’ll know that one of the questions we always ask people at the end is how they recommend our community create a life better than their dreams based on what’s worked for them.

I love the answers we received so far.

And you know what I realized, Lovely?

None of it has to do with another strategy.

Here are some of my favorite answers…

“Getting really clear on what my boundaries are.” – Sarah Kaler

“Journaling has been great and then also I have mentioned it before about finding coaches.” – Melyssa Griffin

“I would say it’s all the people in my life.” – Selena Soo

“… just remembering to be grateful and to be humble and to like be just so grateful for what you already have is truly what’s going to help you like get to the next level.” – Mariah Coz

“…live, love, matter. Every day. And (the) intention to live vibrantly and joyously and cheerfully, even when that doesn’t show up all the time, I got to create it.” – Brendon Burchard

“Know that your future self has your dreams taken care of and that you don’t need to worry about that. All you have to concern yourself with is what feels right-based and true for you today.” – Lauren Robertson

“I think, number one, understanding that you can. It’s possible. It’s completely possible.” – Susie Moore

“It’s being conscious of the things that are not lifting you up…Find those things, do the things that make you happy, do more of them, do less of the things that make you angry or unhappy and you will have a much happier life that you will say “I heart my life”. – Christine Egan

Incredible, right? I’m so grateful for all the lessons I’ve learned from these amazing guests.

Just so you know, the last episode for awhile will be released on YouTube and iTunes later this week. We’re putting the show on hiatus for a few months as I finish my book.

Don’t worry, you have plenty to watch/listen to over the next few months, and we’ll be back soon with a new look and new content.

Here are links to the show so you can devour all 34 episodes ;):

>>>YouTube Channel



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Hi, I'm  Emily

I'm just a girl from Ohio with really big dreams, but the truth is, I always knew I was meant for more. I know firsthand what it means to feel that you're not living the life that you want, and yet not know how to make it happen. To wonder with each passing day, when your life is finally going to "get good". I've been there. Since transforming my own life, I've gone on to help thousands of women just like you so you can finally achieve your true potential and ultimately, create a life that's better than your dreams. If I can do it, you can too.

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