“I can’t believe you said that to me.”
We had finished a coaching call a few days before, and one of my clients sent me a message expressing the fact that she couldn’t believe I was so blunt with her on the call.
I’m guessing you’re wondering what I said so here it is…
I asked her what part of her doesn’t want to be successful. What part of her actually wants to keep struggling. Deep down, why she actually doesn’t want to get clients.
You may be wondering how that’s even possible, Lovely.
You may be thinking that of course everyone wants to be successful.
Of course everyone wants to be happy.
Of course everyone wants to make a lot of money.
I’m here to tell you the truth today just like I did with that client above.
I’m allll about the truth. Period.
I’m not surprised that that client sent me that message. I’m sure many others have thought it and wanted to punch me through the computer at one point or another over the years.
But here’s the thing; I’m a coach, not a paid friend. You already have enough people telling you what you want to hear which to put it bluntly, is keeping you stuck.
I can’t NOT speak the truth.
Because I want you to get results.
So I will say what needs to be said on behalf of your growth, success, and the massive impact you’re meant to have.
So ready for the truth, Lovely?
The truth is that you may want success externally, but internally (or subconsciously), you may be scared of it.
You may be scared that you’ll no longer fit in with your family.
That people will judge you for being greedy or evil (because rich people are evil after all — or at least that’s what you were taught and still subconsciously believe).
Maybe you’re worried that success means long hours, time away from your family, and although you’re craving the freedom of a laptop lifestyle, deep down you don’t think it exists.
Yes you want the successful biz, the 6-figure years, the 5-star vacations, to have the impact, to be in the media Lovely, but it’s still not happening — and you’re starting to wonder if there’s more to it than strategy.
Or maybe it is kind of happening — but you know so much more is possible.
What if you’re actually blocking success without realizing it?
It’s possible, Lovely.
It takes doing the deep work to see what’s going on beneath the surface. It takes working with a masterful coach. It takes being willing to change.
Are you ready to really go there?
I’m sure you’re wondering about that client above.
Here’s what she went onto say…
Because that’s what happens, Lovely. When someone speaks the truth, and cares about your success and you reaching new heights, just hearing those words helps you transform in the moment.
That’s what I want for you, Lovely. That’s what I’m here for.
So tell me, Lovely, what’s coming up for you? What are you ready to move past? What are you so over?
I’m here to say that you’ve got this. You don’t have to stay stuck. The internal work will set you free.
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