

Ever Question Whether What You Do Matters?

I want to get really real today and ask you…

Do you ever wonder what impact your work has on the world?

Do you question what your expertise really is (after all, you’re probably a multi-passionate entrepreneur like me with lots of different expertise).

Does doubt ever creep up and instill in you that feeling of “not-enoughness”?

I’m just like you if you relate to any of the above — there are days where I question whether I’m doing enough.

I start to wonder whether the work I do is having the impact I want it to.

Am I being the best coach I can be? Am I really making a difference? What is my speciality? How can I add even more value? Do I need to change anything about myself?

Those are loaded questions, lovely, and I can easily go into doubt about whether I’m capable of creating the movement that’s on my heart to build.

But I do know one thing…

Doubt ruins dreams.

So I do my best to move past the doubt as quick as I can.

This week, I had a reminder of why I do what I do, and I wanted to share it with you today, as well as a special and easy way you too can get clarity on what your true gifts are…

On Wednesday, I was interviewed on John Lee Dumas’s Award Winning Entrepreneur On Fire podcast! Woo! (Thanks to Selena Soo and Chris Winfield for helping to make that a reality.)

John (after recording over 1900 episodes) is very organized, and he sends lots of emails ahead of time sharing what to expect from the interview.

One of the questions I knew I was going to be asked was about sharing what my expertise is. The truth is, I was having a hard time narrowing it down and thinking about what MOST impacts my clients.

So I decided to do something simple that most people forget to do/feel weird doing; I asked them.

And today, I have to share what they said because it’s totally made my week.

Here are some direct quotes from the over 20 answers I received…

“You have taught and shown me that anything really is possible. The inspiration, resources, and tools that you provide empowered me to take charge and go after my wildest dreams (and even ones beyond that). These changes have a multi-generational impact. I know I’ll raise more confident children who have no doubt they can do anything.”

“Oh where do I begin…. I was just on the I Heart Money call with you. You have an ability to listen to a problem or challenge, and diagnose, give advice and inspire while everyone else is still digesting the question or concept. You ask questions that get deep inside and you find and draw out what is holding your clients back. I never tire of listening to you. Simply amazing!”

“For me you standout in making leaps towards your desires and being unapologetic. There’s no playing small. Anything in possible and everything is achievable!!!”

“Money mindset 100%! Knowing that my skills and knowledge are worth more money than the corporate world told me I was worth:-)”

“You are an expert at knowing exactly what questions to ask to dig the real truth out of people, you seem to have a built in BS detector and help others to see their own BS! Haha not sure you can use that term on an interview, but that’s how I see it 😉 You’re also incredibly inspiring at the same time as being very grounded and down to earth so people can relate to you”

“The QUEEN of MINDSET & PLAYING A BIGGER GAME! Since finding you on Facebook in 2015, you always challenged me to DREAM BIGGER and go for extraordinary! That is the best gift you could have given a young mama & wife like me!”

“Urmm. Because you say things like, “I feel I have quite a few areas of expertise!!!” AND I DIG THAT ABOUT YOU!!! You are unapologetically owning your awesome and continuously putting yourself out there and it’s gottdamn inspiring. Thank you”

“Emily, you have an intense ability to focus on what is not being said and cutting to the heart of the matter. It is almost like a sixth sense of intuition. Your questions open up clarity and therefore shed light on what is not only possible but necessary. As a business woman you are an incredible example of what positive mindset, hard work, working on relationships and connections, and staying true to following your inner purpose can manifest for the extraordinary impact to many. The energy and vibe that you resonate is contagious.”


Besides sharing how to get more clarity on your expertise, I wanted to share this with you in case you’re on the fence and wondering if you should move forward with your dreams.

Maybe you’re in a place of doubt and questioning (just like we all do from time to time) whether you really have what it takes to make a difference.

Remember, I’m just a girl from Ohio, and the truth is, I’m just myself and that is enough.

And you as yourself is enough too.

Let’s go change the world, lovely!

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Hi, I'm  Emily

I'm just a girl from Ohio with really big dreams, but the truth is, I always knew I was meant for more. I know firsthand what it means to feel that you're not living the life that you want, and yet not know how to make it happen. To wonder with each passing day, when your life is finally going to "get good". I've been there. Since transforming my own life, I've gone on to help thousands of women just like you so you can finally achieve your true potential and ultimately, create a life that's better than your dreams. If I can do it, you can too.

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