Last week, I did three-day juice cleanse (no food – just juice). I’m sure there are some cleanse pros within the IHML community. And I so admire those of you who have completed five days or even 10.
Or maybe you’re like me up until last week – a cleanse novice. The truth is the thought of a cleanse scares you. You don’t think you’d be able to do it. You have to much on your plate to go through 72 hours of that. You wonder if you’ll really experience any benefits and so you keep putting it off.
Regardless of your cleanse experience, this message is for you. After all, it’s not about the juice…
A few days ago (after the cleanse) I was in a spinning class. It was at that point in the class where my mind wandered and per usual, I starting planning how I could quit and sneak out of the room right then and there, just a few minutes before the end. The teacher, feeling a few of us and our need to flee, said, “The respite you’re craving from stopping now, won’t feel nearly as good as winning will”.
What he was basically saying is giving into that perceived exhaustion might feel good for a second, but in the end, willpower and finishing strong will feel much better.
Doesn’t that so pertain to life and business, lovely?!
How often do we give into the fear, doubt, exhaustion, or worry about what others will think, instead of going for the finish line?
One of the major keys to success is, in fact, willpower and another key element for me – the drive and desire to be proud of myself.
In my own life and business, of course there are times when I don’t feel like doing something, or I want to give up.
But just like with my cleanse when I craved coffee every day, I ordered a mint tea instead, because I knew that although no one would really know if I gave in, I would know. And I’m the most important person in this scenario.
Same with that spinning class. When the teacher said that powerful line, it helped me kick into high gear and not only finish strong, but lap two of the women on the leaderboard (sorry Ashleigh and Lu!).
So often we sell ourselves short by giving in to our urge to “sneak out” and seek an immediate relief, but then we end up feeling disappointed in ourselves once we look back and realize that we didn’t stick with our goals.
What about you, lovely? Are you letting things stop you from reaching your goals? Are you letting fear, self-doubt, or exhaustion dictate your progress toward your goals? Are you stopping short, just as you’re getting to the finish line?
If so, don’t be too hard on yourself – we’ve all been there. But the good news is, your goals are totally within reach! It simply takes a bit of extra focus and determination to press on through the tough things that happen between the first step toward your goal and actually accomplishing it.
It takes a bit of a mindset shift.
When you’re feeling the urge to sneak off and hide just as you feel you’re on the verge of your “something big”, here are some helpful questions to ask yourself:
What’s your “why” when it comes to your goal? Do you want to be healthier? To create a better life for yourself and your family? To feel successful in your business? To feel proud of yourself?
Reminding yourself of your inner “why” is a powerful way to renew your motivation and get that final mental and emotional boost you need to press on toward your goals and dreams. Whether it’s something small like a juice cleanse or a spin class or a bigger goal like launching your biz website or having your first 5-figure month, the key is to dig deep to find your “why” and let that be the motivating factor that keeps you moving.
Imagine how incredible it will feel when you look back at the struggles along the way, and realize that you stuck it out, persisted, and are now seeing your goals and dreams becoming your reality. This is what’s possible for you, lovely!
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