

Time To Start Your Own SUCCESS Story?!

I can’t believe it’s almost the end of June, and we’re about to be halfway through 2017!

This year so far has been such an exciting time not only for us here at I Heart My Life (lots of growth and big changes for our company) but also for many of the women in the I Heart My Life community.

2017 has been the first time I’ve hosted my new IHML Mastermind program where I work with a small group of clients in an intimate setting throughout the entire year – and it’s been extraordinary so far! These ladies are doing mega things in their businesses, overcoming challenges along the way, and digging deep to take things to the next level.

Most of the women in the Mastermind started in one of my prior programs as either brand new in their business or in need of support to get things in their business on track so that they could make the progress and the money they desired.

It’s been incredible to see the journey these women have been on in their lives and businesses, and to witness the big things that have happened during just the first six months of 2017, and today I’m excited to come to you with a bit of inspiration from a few of these ladies!

Meet Amber-Lee. Since January 2017 she has raised her 1:1 prices to $10K, hosted a retreat in Bali with a fellow Mastermind sister, hired a full team, manifested the most amazing high-level clients, branded, built and launched a new signature group program with record sales, and has completely set herself up financially to take a month off to get married and travel Europe!

(Want to know more about her signature program open for enrollment now? Chakra Girl Business School is a 16 week group coaching program to take your heart-centred business to the next level by tapping into the energetic enlightenment in your chakra energy and building an impactful and FUN empire.

Meet Janelle. Since January 2017 she has launched and completed one group program and is currently launching another. She’s created passive income products, launched her new membership site, expanded her team, and worked with Rockstar one-on-one clients who are creating huge change in the world with their online businesses. She’s also been busy traveling including three trips to the US and one to Australia where she stayed in her hometown at a luxury beachfront hotel and filmed a video series — all possible because she’s created a business that gives her financial freedom and allows her to work from anywhere in the world.

(Want to know more about her signature program open for enrollment now? Office to Online is a 4-month group training program for corporate women who aspire to leave their 9-5’s and start their dream online business. It takes you step-by-step through Janelle’s business blueprint that took her from unemployed and broke to creating a 6-figure business in less than a year.

Meet Penny. She said that since joining IHML Mastermind it has felt like she and her biz have been turbo-charged. She had multiple five figure months every month, launched her first group program, created a Sales Mastery Program (a high-level and invite only for clients that qualify), hosted a live event with 21 ladies in attendance, created a self study program, tripled her list and quadrupled her social media following.

(Want to know more about her Super Soulful Sales group program? This 6 week program is the icing on your business that will bring in the money for all your hard work. It covers your sales mindset, how to love (and cherish money) and getting the balance right between Universal attraction and the actual action you need to take. No more feeling icky about sales!

I could go on, but just know that I’m sharing a bit of these amazing women’s stories with you today because I want you to know what’s possible.

There is so much you’re capable of lovely, and these ladies are the perfect example of what happens when you make the decision to go after what you want!

I also hope these ladies’ stories inspire you to take action before you feel 100% ready, to follow your heart, to continue to believe that anything is possible for you, and to remember that the “how” is not your business – just start!

Speak to you soon!

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Hi, I'm  Emily

I'm just a girl from Ohio with really big dreams, but the truth is, I always knew I was meant for more. I know firsthand what it means to feel that you're not living the life that you want, and yet not know how to make it happen. To wonder with each passing day, when your life is finally going to "get good". I've been there. Since transforming my own life, I've gone on to help thousands of women just like you so you can finally achieve your true potential and ultimately, create a life that's better than your dreams. If I can do it, you can too.

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