

Why You Should Never Set Realistic Goals

I don’t know about you, but so often throughout my life I’ve heard people tell others to set “realistic goals”. But realistic goals are something I stopped setting a long time ago. Instead, I set big, massive “unrealistic” goals for myself and my biz because I know that’s what will challenge me to go to the next level in my life and biz.

I’ve learned that big, crazy-sounding goals are what it takes to create a business and life better than you ever dreamed possible.

In fact, one thing that Brendon Burchard says about this is that realistic goals “suck”. Why? Because they teach you to think small. When people set realistic goals it’s often because they’re playing it safe – trying to avoid the possibility of failure. Setting a goal that only feels “realistic” isn’t challenging or inspiring, and it certainly isn’t the way to find your true calling.

As Brendon shares here, true success comes from allowing yourself to dream big, scary, out-there dreams – not small, “realistic” ones.

As January comes to a close, I’m reflecting on all that’s happened for I Heart My Life in just the past month alone – and I’m blown away. James and I attended the first of Brendon Burchard’s mastermind events for the year, which was a huge growth opportunity for us and for our company. We came away from the mastermind full of ideas and inspiration that we started implementing straight away…

In January alone, we’ve kicked off an entirely new, high-level, year long program (the I Heart My Life Mastermind) that’s been incredible so far, launched my newest and most accessible program ever (I Heart My Life Monthly), and have begun work on a special project that’s near and dear to my heart (something super special – to be announced next month!).

All of that in just one month’s time! But making all of this happen started by allowing myself to dream massive dreams for myself and for IHML. In fact, had I not set some pretty lofty, crazy-sounding goals for myself back when I was starting out as a coach, I know for a fact that I wouldn’t be where I am today – living the life I’d wanted for so long and running a business that I absolutely love.

And even now that I’m running a 7-figure business, I continue to set new huge goals. It’s what continues to push me, challenge me, and bring me to a place of higher service to my clients and greater fulfillment in my life and business.

I share all of this with you, lovely, to show you what’s possible when you make the decision to dream big – to let yourself dream those “crazy” dreams, to believe that you have what it takes to make those dreams happen, and to take massive action on behalf of those dreams. You have what it takes to create a life and business that exceeds everyone’s expectations – even your own.

But to really make big things happen, you have to get comfortable with risky dreams. You have to trust that you have what it takes to go for your dreams. You have to put yourself out there. And you have to take action.

Trust me, no matter what anyone tells you, it’s totally ok to be a dreamer – in fact, dreamers are the ones who created air travel, who got us to the moon, who started this crazy thing called the internet. Imagine where we’d be today if revolutionary people throughout history had only dreamed “realistic” dreams!

So, lovely, in what ways do you need to stop being “realistic” and start letting yourself really dream big, scary, crazy-sounding dreams? I encourage you to really let your mind go wild and start envisioning what would truly light you up inside!

So much more is possible for you, lovely, and setting big goals and taking action will get you that much closer to a life and business that you’ve been longing for.

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Hi, I'm  Emily

I'm just a girl from Ohio with really big dreams, but the truth is, I always knew I was meant for more. I know firsthand what it means to feel that you're not living the life that you want, and yet not know how to make it happen. To wonder with each passing day, when your life is finally going to "get good". I've been there. Since transforming my own life, I've gone on to help thousands of women just like you so you can finally achieve your true potential and ultimately, create a life that's better than your dreams. If I can do it, you can too.

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