A few weeks ago while James and I were in California, I had a bit of an “aha” moment…
You see, we were there to attend a live four-day event hosted by Brendon Burchard – who’s worked with the likes of Oprah (!), Arianna Huffington, Richard Branson, and other mega high-vibe leaders –while having a little getaway in SoCal…
And although I was excited about hearing Brendon’s message, I was honestly a bit more in the mood to relax than to attend a multi-day conference (it’s been a busy few months, after all!)
But I made the decision to give it a shot (I told James I’d go for at least the first day!) and actually go into it with an open heart and mind. I knew I had to be there – although I wasn’t 100% sure why.
And you know what? I ended up being completely blown away by the experience and everything Brendon shared and was about…
In fact, it was so powerful that James and I will now be joining Brendon’s exclusive, high-level year-long (5-figure!) mastermind in 2017 as the next major step for us and our biz!
This is our chance to really dream BIG for the future of I Heart My Life. This will give us the support we need to massively uplevel things in our biz – so that we can help even more women around the world realize what big things are possible for them, too.
And remember that “aha” moment? It came when I realized that the one seemingly small decision that I made to be open ended up resulting in something HUGE for us and for our business.
(Not to mention that working with Brendon now puts me just one degree of separation away from Oprah – woo hoo!)
In fact, looking back I realize that there’ve been so many moments in my life when I’ve made what seemed like just another small decision at the time, that actually resulted in something far bigger than I’d ever expected.
So often it’s been just one instance or decision to say “yes” that has massively changed the course of things for me…
One decision to be open to what’s possible…
One decision to give my dreams a shot…
One decision to align myself with someone special in my industry…
And now, lovely, perhaps it’s your turn to make the one decision that changes everything for you.
That’s why I’m so excited to announce that TOMORROW, I’m reopening the doors to my I Heart Coaching program!
If you’ve been waiting for your next step toward your dreams, this could be it…
I’ve created this program specifically for you – the woman who’s determined to make her dreams of running her own coaching business, living the life she desires, and having the financial freedom she’s been longing for – her new normal.
It’s the third time I’ll be offering this program, and believe me, it’s going to be the very best yet and so worth investing in.
So, lovely, I invite you to make the decision to open your heart to what’s possible for you and start taking those steps and making those decisions that get you closer to the life and business of your dreams.
And if I Heart Coaching is speaking to you, tomorrow could be the day you make the decision that you’re no longer available for anything less than a life you love…
Tomorrow could be the day your whole life changes course (and the day that you officially become two degrees of separation from Oprah – woo hoo!).
I can’t wait to see what exciting things are ahead for you!
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