

Do People Actually Do THIS?!

Happy New Year!

My husband and I have spent the last week enjoying Vail, Colorado. We’ve had quality time with friends, experienced breathtaking views, and have eaten quite a few chocolate soufflés!

Almost immediately after checking into our hotel, we realized that one week in this gorgeous little snow-covered town wasn’t enough, and James and I started talking about staying.

We weighed our options, and although we’ve created a life of working from our laptops and have the financial freedom to stay longer (#grateful), we didn’t plan on spending extra time here and aren’t normally this spontaneous…

So despite my heart longing to stay, at one point I said to him, “Do people actually do this? Do they change their flights and stay somewhere for an extra two weeks? Do they just rearrange their plans like that?!”

I don’t know about anyone else, but now we do.

Ultimately, we knew that more time and this life was what we wanted, despite it not being the norm.

And per usual, once we decided to follow our hearts, everything lined up for us. (The Universe is awesome like that!)

We found a stunning penthouse apartment in the center of Vail Village where we will be living and working for the next few weeks, only had to pay a small amount to change our flights and get upgraded (despite originally being quoted thousands in a difference in fare!), and now get to spend extra time with family and friends.

My point?

So often, we’re tempted to stay within the box. If we don’t personally know anyone doing what we want to do or feel like our dreams are too lofty, we limit ourselves and ignore what’s really calling us.

But that’s not the way to get the life and business you’ve always wanted, lovely or to share your unique gifts with the world.

You have to take chances. You have to follow your heart. You have to take action on behalf of your dreams (despite a lack of confidence, doubt, people telling you you’re crazy or whatever else is holding you back).

All of that is what’s gotten me here, lovely. That’s what’s supported me in creating over million dollars in sales, traveling the world, allowing my hubby to leave his 9-5 and join me in the business, and changing the lives of women all across the planet -not staying in the box.

Maybe you’re so ready to start a business, be able to create your own schedule, and work from your laptop so you can stay in a breathtaking location.

Maybe you’re ready to escape counting every penny and feel free. 

It’s possible for you too.

The truth is, whatever’s in your heart is meant for you. 

Trust that and take action on behalf of your dreams starting today.

You’ve got this, lovely. 

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Hi, I'm  Emily

I'm just a girl from Ohio with really big dreams, but the truth is, I always knew I was meant for more. I know firsthand what it means to feel that you're not living the life that you want, and yet not know how to make it happen. To wonder with each passing day, when your life is finally going to "get good". I've been there. Since transforming my own life, I've gone on to help thousands of women just like you so you can finally achieve your true potential and ultimately, create a life that's better than your dreams. If I can do it, you can too.

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