Happy Monday!
This weekend, I posted a message in my I Heart My Lifers group that got a lot of attention, so I wanted to share it with you today too.
As you may or may not know, my husband, James, and I run I Heart My Life together, but just a short while ago, we were both in 9-5 jobs. I was able to leave my job a year ago, and James did this past April.
I remember how it felt to set off on my own and do something different. I worried about what people would think of my decision, and I knew that there were quite a few people – some close to me – who didn’t exactly understand it, but I didn’t let that stop me.
James felt the same way when he handed in his notice after 12 years in the TV industry, but he, too, knew he had to follow his heart and that he was meant for more.
This weekend, James was at a party with old colleagues from his previous job. He called me and said it was a night filled with tons of incredible and honest conversation with his former co-workers.
He said that quite a few people bravely admitted to him that they didn’t really understand what he was doing when he left his job a few months ago and some of them even said that they’d been jealous that he’d had the opportunity to leave.
But, they said that now, they get it. Now they’re inspired. Now they’re proud of him. Now they want to know more.
How amazing is that?!
I’m sharing this today because you too may be feeling judged for going for your dreams, and the people in your life might not get it.
So often, I meet women who are allowing their friends, family, partners, co-workers, or even people they don’t actually know, to run the show and dictate their decisions.
For some reason, they’d prefer to be unhappy and not rock the boat, versus the alternative, which always blows my mind.
Don’t be one of them, lovely.
If James’s story shows you anything, it’s that people can come around. People can be inspired by you once you have the guts to step outside of the box and follow your dreams.
You never know who’s watching. You, channeling the courage to do the big things you were born to do, will give your “friends, family, partners, co-workers, or even people you don’t actually know” the permission to follow theirs as well.
I’ve seen that in my own life too. The ripple effect that my decisions have made is massive, and yours will be too lovely.
I’m so grateful that James had the guts to leave. Now we’re partners in this journey, and I, too, couldn’t be more proud.
It’s possible for you too, lovely.
Speak to you soon!
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