I hope you’re having a great Monday so far!
Last week, I had a conversation with my own coach about my goals and dreams for the rest of this year.
As you may have noticed, I’m a firm believer in following my heart and for that reason, I’m making some big “heartfelt” decisions about what the next few months hold for I Heart My Life.
Although, of course, running a business requires some brains, systems, and structures, my best (and most profitable) decisions have come from following my heart, and I believe it will be the same for you.
You see, most of the time, our head keeps us “safe” (i.e. in the same place) by posing questions like…
I’ve never done it so how could it work?
What if I fail?
What if everyone thinks I’m a fraud?
What if it’s not safe?
What if it all blows up in my face?
What if no one likes me?
Not useful.
For that reason, accessing your heart is better way to go because the heart thinks in possibility not in potential problems.
In order for me to access even more heart-felt clarity during this time, my coach suggested that I answer these questions….
If I were guaranteed to be successful, attract clients, and make the amount of money I desired (which I am!) what would I choose to put out into the world?
What’s the financial goal or purpose of the next 6 months?
What’s the most joyful way to run my business and bring in the desired amount of money?
What would be the most exciting way to take IHML to the next level (because I am going to the next level)?
I love those questions and wanted to share them with you today because guess what? You, too, will have the most success when you follow your dreams and make heartfelt decisions.
So today I want to do things a little bit differently…
First, let me ask you – if you wereguaranteed to be successful, what would you choose to do? How would you choose to spend your time? What would you put out into the world? What decisions would you make?
Now, here’s the fun part. I want you to share your answer with me today. All you need to do is respond to this email and let me know what your answer to the question above is…
Remember, the key is “if you were guaranteed to be successful”. That’s the flip you need to make in your mind. Anything is possible when you follow your heart and take massive action on behalf of your dreams. The guarantee is available to you too.
Can’t wait to hear from you, Friend, and learn all about your dreams…
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