I’ve just returned from three weeks in France! Woo hoo!
In Paris, I spent time at conferences, had a day-long photoshoot for my website (and even a photoshoot with my hubby!) and enjoyed the gardens at the Palais-Royal and our gorgeous French apartment.
Then James and I relaxed for a few days in Cannes and did some celebrity spotting. Finally, I headed down to gorgeous St. Tropez to spend three days with my coach and three other incredible women in the high-end coaching program I’m a part of this year.
I had the time of my life and wanted to share with some of what I learned in the land of pain au chocolat, cheese, and wine…
1. This life is meant for me
So often, we deprive ourselves of our true desires. We limit ourselves and say that we’ll do that “someday” or finally give ourselves permission when it’s a “better time”. We downplay what we really want out of concern for what people are going to think or say.
Maybe you want to travel the world, buy a sailboat, or maybe you’d love to walk into Chanel and pick out your dream outfit. Whatever that desire is, just know that it’s meant for you.
As I shopped in St. Tropez, it hit me that I used to be one of those “someday” people. I used to tell myself I was “ok” with not living the life I always wanted or that I was fine with it happening sometime in the future. Then I woke up to the reality and realized that if 5-star hotels or incredible restaurants exist, that means they’re meant for me (not just celebrities), and you too lovely.
2. Delegate and take time off
I have the habit of believing I can do everything alone, but that’s so not true. I call it my “stubborn little girl syndrome” because I’m often the one with her arms folded across her chest saying “I’ll do it myself”. That’s not useful – especially when you’re spending time on a yacht or in conferences without wifi access.
My time in France taught me that someone needs to be working on my business, but it doesn’t always have to be me…
3. Build friendships with people who inspire you
I got to spend time with so many incredible women over the past few weeks, and I’m so blessed to be able to call them my friends. Once again, often times I feel like I don’t need anyone, but I do.
In order to do big things in the world, you have to surround yourself with people who build you up, support your dreams and remind you to have fun!
4. Be adventurous
Throughout the past three weeks, there were more than a few instances where we ended up in restaurants or traveling down unexpected streets – but that was part of the fun!
As entrepreneurs, we don’t always have to have everything figured out. That’s part of the myth.
(And sometimes, that random beach restaurant ends up having the best nutella-filled chocolate soufflé of your life!)
5. Follow your heart
As I was sitting on the back of a yacht in the South of France with my mentor and 7-figure business owner Gina DeVee, the question “How did I get here?” popped into my head.
Want to know the answer? I followed my heart.
So today, whether you want to plan your own trip to France, start a business, or just take a leap of faith towards your dreams, I hope my own journey inspires you.
Remember, I’m just a girl from Ohio who found herself sitting on the back of a yacht in the South of France; if I can do it in less than a year, you can too.
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