Happy Monday!
I’m actually writing to you from Paris, France! James and I will be here for about a week and then will be traveling to Cannes for a few days, and then I’m off to St. Tropez to take part in my Millionaires Program with Gina DeVee.
There was a time not so long ago where James and I really watched every penny and weren’t able to take trips like this – let alone spend three weeks in France.
Now look at the view from our apartment in Paris!
So often people ask me what the key is to creating success in your small business, and I always say persistence.
When I was first starting out, I was persistent about getting my name out there. So persistent that I even put mybusiness cards in the women’s bathrooms at the Oprah Event in Washington, D.C., Igot up in front of countless yoga classes full of strangers to tell them about my company, and I sent newsletter after newsletter to my list even when it consisted of only 15 people.
I didn’t give up when I had that period of 54 “no’s” from people who didn’t want to work with me, I didn’t give up when I put a program out there that didn’t sell as Ihad wanted it to, and I certainly didn’t give up when I knew I was meant to be a part of something big but didn’t know where I was going to find the money.
So today, where do you need to amp up your drive towards your goals? Where do you need to be more persistence? Where do you need to fight for your own three weeks in France?!
Your desires and the life you want are there for the taking if you’re willing to really go for it.
I believe in you.
Looking forward to seeing what you achieve this week!
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