Today I want to share some exciting IHML news, but first I want to tell you a little story…
When I first moved to London nearly five years ago, I didn’t know anyone. I had my four enormous suitcases to keep me company, but that was about it.
Fast-forward a year and a ton of bad online dates later, and I met James. We had a really fast and exciting romance and ended up getting engaged and married within the span of 14 months.
Although James made me happier than I’d ever been, I knew there was still something missing in my life: the company I’d always dreamed of creating. I also knew that my relationship had given me the foundation and stability to really springboard off of and make my dreams a reality.
So throughout our first year of marriage, James watched as I poured over idea after idea and supported me throughout every single quarter-life crisis and moment spent throwing myself on the bed in a fit of “confused, frustrated, and stuck” tears. He was there for it all, and trust me, it wasn’t always pretty.
James was there the moment I came up with the idea for I Heart My Life in September 2013, and he even helped me create my first website for the company that launched in March 2014.
He was there when I questioned whether my first photoshoot was good enough and opened every single newsletter just to get the open-rate up when I only had mere 15 people on my list.
He supported me when I spent 36 hours straight re-doing my second website and was my biggest fan during the launch.
He passed out my business cards and told everyone who would listen about IHML and made me blush more times than I can count when he bragged about what I was doing.
And most recently, he was there to celebrate me when I hit my company milestones like my first client, my first $6k month, and of course 6-figures and beyond.
He’s been my rock and my biggest fan at the same time, and his belief in me is unwavering.
And with that, I’m thrilled to announce that it’s his turn.
Through happy and proud tears now streaming down my face, I first want you to be the first to know that James will be joining I Heart My Life in a big way while starting his own coaching company for men in the next few months. Woo hoo!
To be able to work with my husband, travel together and share in this dream is, well, better than I could have ever imagined my life and business to turn out.
We have big things in store for I Heart My Life and now it’s all wrapped up in one massive and united mission!
So today, I hope this story reminds you that your dreams (and things that are better than your dreams) are possible. You can have the life you’ve always wanted.
If you’re in search of financial freedom, the ability to work from anywhere in the world, getting fully booked and maybe even retiring your husband, it’s possible!
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