Today I want to talk to you about what happens when you step up to the plate and say “yes” to your dreams and desires…
Not long ago (July 2014 to be exact), I had just gotten my first client and made $442 in my business. Of course that time was very exciting, but things weren’t exactly taking off full speed ahead.
I recognized that I really needed outside support so I sought help from the best coach in the industry – Gina DeVee (7-figure Transformational Success Coach extraordinaire) – through her year-long group program.
If I’m honest, that step was a little scary seeing that I had to pay for her $7,500 program with my credit card, but I was confident in my decision and knew I had to say “yes” to the opportunity despite already being in a lot of debt.
About a month later, I realized that I was also starved for one on one support so I invested in myself and my business once again by hiring an incredible one on one coach on Gina’s team.
To make a long story short, my willingness to say “yes” to my dreams and desires and to really unabashedly go for them by working with the best people in the industry has literally transformed my life.
As you may know, in a few short months, I went from making that $442 in July from that one client, to having two programs with waiting lists and making 6-figures in sales. (Quite a shift from the girl who had 54 “no’s” from potential clients in one 8-week period just last year!)
This past Saturday, I was invited to be a guest on one of Gina’s preview calls for her new program. (You can listen to the call here. I come on around 59 minutes and 40 seconds if you just want to listen to that part!)
I had the time of my life speaking to Gina directly, and she had some incredible words to say to me that I definitely wasn’t expecting. Needless to say, I was humbled by the experience.
And it gets better…
When I woke up the very next day, there was an email in my inbox from Gina’s Assistant saying that Gina had asked her to directly get in touch with me. She continued by offering me a truly incredible and dramatically life-changing opportunity.
Although I’m not ready to reveal exactly what the opportunity is, I’m sharing this story because that in that moment, (after that initial excitement of course) my own doubts and insecurities began to creep up again which I wasn’t expecting.
I wondered whether I could really do it? Was I really in the right place for this opportunity? How was I going to find the money?
I quickly stopped myself and was stern with those negative thoughts telling them to “not go there” – like a mother warning her kids not to run into a busy, traffic-filled street.
That’s what you have to do with the thoughts that don’t serve you and your goals.
I knew I had to at least have the conversation with Gina and be open to the opportunity. After all, that openness and willingness to go for my dreams is what has changed my life – not letting my fears hold me back.
(And frankly, when Gina DeVee or someone you admire proposes something this incredible to you, you step up to the plate without hesitation and you at least have that call – exactly what I’m doing today.)
My point is, I recognize that because I’ve had a willingness to say “yes” throughout the past 6 months instead of allowing my fears or insecurities to hold me back, my life has literally transformed, and I’m not about to put a halt on that now.
I’m finally getting to do what I know I was born to do, and I know that’s because I haven’t hesitated. I haven’t yo-yo dieted with my dreams or my business or just dabbled in the idea of making it happen.
So what about you? Are you ready to take it up a notch (or ten)? If so, where do you really need to go for it? Where do you need to harness more gumption? Where do you need to make a decision and stick with it? Where do you need to really 100% say “yes”? Where are you finally going to show up in a big way?
Your mission is to start this week. Make the decision that you’re going to really do this.
After all, when a woman makes a decision, that one of the most powerful things in the world.
There’s a quote that I absolutely love that displays this perfectly…
“The world has the habit of making room for the woman whose words and actions show that she knows where she is going.” – Napoleon Hill
Where are you going? What dreams on non-negotiable this year?
This is your time.
And to continue with the baseball metaphor, let’s knock it out of the park in 2015.
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