

How to Create the Life You Want (And knock 2015 out of the park!)

First order of business – I’m hosting an incredible new teleclass tonight, and I’d love for you to join me live on the call. It’s called Skyrocket Your Success in 2015 and starts tonight at 6pm EST. Click the pink box below to register…

Second order of business – it’s almost the New Year – woo hoo!

I love this image one of my clients found while spending Christmas in Mexico. This is how I’m looking at 2015, and I’m confident that we’re going to knock it out of the park this year.

Why am I so sure? Because I know the secret to creating a life you really love.

Now of course things come up from time to time that I don’t really love (like my relatively new laptop deciding to take some time off and crash this weekend), but for the most part, I feel like I’ve designed my life around what it is I really desire. I’m still working towards some of the bigger stuff, but I’m confident that it’s on its way.

So how did I go from a quarter-life crisis and career shame to a life that lights me up and a thriving business?

One phrase: non-negotiable.

For so many years, I was just going through the motions and waiting for life to get good. Finally, I decided I’d done enough waiting.

This past year, I created a list of things that were going to be non-negotiable in my life, and I started to live authentically.

I’ve probably shared some of these non-negotiables with you before, but just to remind you my list includes things like 4 international trips a year, working with women all around the world, going out for drinks and dinner with my hubby regularly, living in the US and the UK, creating an online course, paying off debt, having a home that I’m proud of, getting a kitten, investing in myself and my business, purchasing an annual hot yoga membership (and going to the classes!), and working with Oprah. (Like I said, some of my non-negotiables are still in the works!)

Now I should tell you straight away, it’s not enough to just have your list. Once you have it, the key to designing a life you really love is to be really fierce with your goals and focus on them every day.

You have to be really passionate about what it is that lights you up and makes you the happiest.

So what does passionate look like? Here are some juxtaposing examples to make this even clearer:

1. “Oh, it would be nice if I could have a bigger house, get more clients, and take trips with my boyfriend, but I should be satisfied with what I have. Maybe it will happen in 2018.”


2. “I am actively pursuing my bigger home, increasing my sales and planning trips with my boyfriend now because I know all of those things are meant for me and are non-negotiable to living the life I want.  I’m taking action by (fill in the blank) to make these things happen thisyear.”

See the difference? (Hint: Whenever “it would be nice” and “should” come into the picture, recognize that as not passionate enough.)

So this week, I’d love for you to make a list of your non-neogtiables for 2015. Maybe it’s a trip to California, getting a new job or starting your dream business, doubling your clients, moving into a new home, or getting a new computer. Whatever it is, act like it’s already happening and right around the corner even if it’s something you’re starting, but will need a few years to complete.

Whatever your list includes, amp up the fervor and the gusto and go for it!

You’ve got this.

Have a great day and look for a special New Year’s blog from me later on this week!

P.S. My one on one coaching program goes up in price significantly after this week so if you’re looking to get the support you need to start your dream business or take your current one to the next level, please don’t wait! As an added bonus, the first two people who sign up will also get access to my group coaching program 90 Days to $6K completely complimentary.

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Hi, I'm  Emily

I'm just a girl from Ohio with really big dreams, but the truth is, I always knew I was meant for more. I know firsthand what it means to feel that you're not living the life that you want, and yet not know how to make it happen. To wonder with each passing day, when your life is finally going to "get good". I've been there. Since transforming my own life, I've gone on to help thousands of women just like you so you can finally achieve your true potential and ultimately, create a life that's better than your dreams. If I can do it, you can too.

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