A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon this quote:
“Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, ‘I’m possible’!” – Audrey Hepburn
That completely resonated with me, and in fact, I’ve taken it a step further and decided to no longer allow the word “impossible” in my vocabulary. After all, it serves no purpose whatsoever and only hinders me. I’d encourage you to do the same. (I know the famous author and thinker Napoleon Hill even physically cut that word out of his dictionary when he was writing Think and Grow Rich!)
I whole heartedly believe that each day presents us with new opportunities and possibilities if we’re willing to see them.
For example in my own life, I wanted to move to London (normally really difficult for Americans) and start a life here so I did everything I could to make that happen by applying for a graduate program and taking out a student loan.
I always dreamed of finding true love so I did (3,500 miles away from home and on a very silly online dating website – literally the last place I thought I’d meet my dream man! I’m still surprised by that one!). An incredible example of anything is possible!
Finally, I desired to help women around the world by starting my own company from the ground up (something that still amazes me because I actually didn’t really know what I was doing at the time!) and get to where I wanted to be financially in addition to quitting my 9-5 job. (Sidebar: I just had my best month money-wise ever, and I’m supporting other women in doing the same. You can reach your money goals too! Click to learn more!)
Believe me when I say, anything is possible if you’re open to it.
In Think and Grow Rich, Hill talks about how his son was born deaf and mute. All of the doctors said he would never hear or speak, but Hill and his wife refused to give up hope. They told their son that he was special and that any perceived limitations in the real world, would actually help him (for example extra attention from teachers which would enable him to go further in life, people tipping him more on his newspaper route even if it was just because they felt bad for him would help him financially etc.). So the little boy began to see his “disability” as a good thing and over time, although everyone said it wasn’t possible, he was able to hear and speak. Talk about the power of believing anything is possible!
There are so many stories out there of people doing the “impossible” despite real life limitations. So I ask, with tons of love in my heart, what’s your excuse?
How often do you find yourself limiting yourself by saying it’s impossible to get a job in this economy, impossible to be a homeowner, impossible to lose weight, impossible to start your dream business, impossible to make money, or impossible to find true love?
If someone out there is doing it (or even if they aren’t) then it’s possible for you too, Emily!
This week, I’d encourage you to remember that our thoughts become things, so in trying to create a life you truly love, it’s key to not allow your thoughts or your words limit you.
Even if you try and fail, try again!
Anything is possible…
As always, I’d love to hear what you’re making possible in your own life. Email me at emily@iheartmylife.com.
P.S. The FLASH SALE is finally here! My 90-day coaching package is HALF OFF for a very limited time! I guarantee that in 90 days, you won’t even recognize your life! Click here…
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