
Taking Action

5 Steps to Making “It” Happen (How I Got Published in the Huffington Post)

Today I’m sharing insider info with you regarding reaching your goals. Last week, I got an email from Arianna Huffington (48 hours after I emailed her directly) offering me the chance to be published in The Huffington Post – something I’ve always dreamed of.

My hope is that you can use this information to reach your own goals whether you have the dream of being published, getting a new job, a raise or even starting your own business. So here’s my advice:


In the first line of the piece I submitted, I name-dropped Noah Kagan (Facebook employee #30 and a contributor to the HuffPost). I’ve never met him, but I heard a recent interview he did and quoted him as his words pertained to my article, and I knew Arianna would recognize his name and see me as more reputable. I also talked about meeting Mastin Kipp (Founder of The Daily Love) in my email to Arianna because I knew that it would grab her attention since they are close friends.


When you’re trying to reach your goals, there’s no room for negativity. I can honestly say that I always believed I’d be published in the HuffPost someday, and although I didn’t know exactly when it would happen, my positivity paid off. Being positive and believing in yourself is really the only way to make things happen, and even if you don’t succeed the first time, try again!


So many of us feel that we have don’t have access to the people at the top, but we actually do. Always remember that even though someone is at the top, she/he is human too and most likely didn’t start there. So what’s the worst that could happen if you email the CEO and ask for what you want? In my case, I went to the top by emailing Arianna directly, but I also submitted my post the standard way to cover all my bases.


No one is going to grant your request unless you display your best work. So if you’re looking to be published but writing isn’t your strength then either get professional help or maybe look for another way to get some media attention. If you’re looking for recognition or a raise at work, again, play to your strengths and work on projects that highlight what you do best. We all have talents and capabilities so use them!


In my email to Arianna, I let her know exactly what she had done for me and the impact she has had on my own life. I thanked her for all that she does, and I was kind and appreciative. And remember, don’t be vague with your compliments; let people know exactly how they’ve helped you.

So this week, pick one of these five steps (or all of them) and give it a whirl.

And if you need some help, that’s exactly what I’m here for! As you can imagine, this is just the tip of the iceberg, and I have more info that I’d love to share with you.

So please, if you have a dream you’re longing to reach, book your complimentary clarity session by clicking the black box below so we can make it happen! It’s time to stop talking and start doing.

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Hi, I'm  Emily

I'm just a girl from Ohio with really big dreams, but the truth is, I always knew I was meant for more. I know firsthand what it means to feel that you're not living the life that you want, and yet not know how to make it happen. To wonder with each passing day, when your life is finally going to "get good". I've been there. Since transforming my own life, I've gone on to help thousands of women just like you so you can finally achieve your true potential and ultimately, create a life that's better than your dreams. If I can do it, you can too.

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5 Steps to Making “It” Happen (How I Got Published in the Huffington Post)

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