Last night I had an incredible call with the women in my group program. Each and every week, they are getting amazing results and are taking their dreams to the next level. It’s so exciting to see!
However, there’s one other common theme that I’m seeing with this group of 26 women from around the world: wanting it all now.
Admittedly, I was that woman and still am from time to time. For example, back in September I wanted to be called up on stage with Oprah (and offered a collaboration with her) when I went to her event, I’ve wanted to have my book on the New York Times Best Seller List for as long as I can remember, and I want to build and design my dream home with my husband and furnish it with a full set of Restoration Hardware furniture. (Those are just a few items on the list!)
However, over the past few months, I’ve recognized the importance of the combination of being clear on what I desire and also focusing on where I’m at and what’s really going great right now.
Although in a lot of respects I’ve leapt (especially in the past few months), I also took the time to build the foundation for my business and to do everything in the right time (to the best of my ability).
After all, that solid foundation – a stable structure – is what enables you to take those leaps!
I’m also starting to see that there’s a reason why everything doesn’t happen all at once, especially in the beginning: you wouldn’t be ready for it, lovely.
I was spoke with a friend who is media coach over the weekend, and she reminded me that I definitely wouldn’t have been ready emotionally or logistically for Oprah back in September, and she’s completely right.
What would I have done with the publicity as a one-woman show? How would I have handled in enquiries? Not too well.
I’ve learned that there’s a time to up-level, push and plan for the future, but there’s also a time to celebrate where you’re at and what’s happening now.
In looking back, I don’t think I would’ve been able to handle two full programs with waiting lists, 5-figure months, the opportunity to be involved in a Millionaires Program and travel all around the world when I was just starting out. (And I’ll be the first to admit that all of that has been an adjustment even today!)
So what about you, lovely? Are you trying to rush things? Are you forgetting to celebrate the two clients you have now because you’re so worried about where the next 10 will come from? Are you ignoring the gorgeous 4-bedroom apartment you rent because you’re too busy thinking about building and owning your dream home? Are you forgetting to soak up the feeling of being engaged because you just want the wedding to be here already? Are you rushing your own 5-figure months?
Wherever you are in your business or life today, take a second to look around you and take it all in. For example, if you’re the woman making $1000/month in your new business and working with one client, soak that up. Then move onto being the woman who makes $3000 a month and has 3 clients. Then move on from there. Build that solid foundation from which you can eventually leap into your dreams.
And just as a reminder, it doesn’t have to take years for that leap to happen…
I went from that $442/month, to $2k, to $6k, to $20k, to $32k and now I’m at $70k for January so far. Clearly those leaps are possible from a solid foundation, and are possible for you as well, but give yourself the time to build your foundation.
You’ve got this, lovely.
P.S. My life-changing 90 Days to $6k Months Group Program is open for registration once again! Be sure to reserve your spot for your own $6k months! The incredible women in the first round of this program are already seeing an increase in sales, more clients and are moving forward with their dreams in terms of website launches and putting those key business and sales structures in place and you can too!
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