on Creating a life you love


At I Heart My Life, our goal is to help you evolve into the person you’ve always dreamed of becoming. 

Courses + Programs

Ebooks, workshops and meditations

Free classes




Our comprehensive collection of programs is designed with exactly that in mind; to empower you as you set out on your personal growth and professional development journey, to help you take action towards achieving your ambitious goals, to give you the tools and resources you need to succeed every step of the way and feel balanced and harmonized in the process. We cover topics like mindset, money, relationships, business/career and more...

Mindset and Clarity

The I Heart My Life Program

The live program teaching you Emily's exact framework to help you get clear on your desires, reprogram your mind for success, and take consistent action. Whether you're dreaming of starting your own business, getting ahead in your career, or just experiencing more joy, adventure and fulfillment in your life, this course will catapult you toward your greatest desires.


12 modules and video trainings

Exclusive bonuses over $8000 in value

We heart it for: anyone who wants to transform their mindset and achieve more happiness and success by tapping into their greatest desires.

90 Days of live support

“I get to live a beautiful life while being at home with my baby. That's true freedom to me. I'm living my dream."

"I went from scared and confused to boldly making multiple five-figure months within the same year. Because of the brand IHML worked with me to build, today I get to live a beautiful life while being at home with my baby. That's true freedom to me. I'm living my dream."

— Sofie

“I’m so much happier within myself!"

"I feel secure in myself and have fallen more in love with myself.
Being able to ‘not take responsibility’ I’m not responsible for anyone’s emotions except my own. It’s taken huge pressure off who I am and who I want to be. I’m so much happier within myself!"

— Dannielle

“...now feel so much more empowered and less driven by my emotions. Less passive and more powerful in general."

"I know that I’ve been a way more present and patient mother since I really delved deep on the mindset elements that came with the program and this whole journey. I’m so much more aware now of when I go into my old narratives and victim mentality stories... and so now feel so much more empowered and less driven by my emotions. Less passive and more powerful in general." 

— Florence

“I STARTED DREAMING AGAIN. And I felt a sense of 'anything is possible for me' IMMEDIATELY."

"As I read the first two chapters my heart and mind kept opening to the fact that even more of my desires are available to me than I see in front of me. I started dreaming again and I felt a sense of 'anything is possible for me' immediately."

— Haley

“I just finished the book and WOW! Please pass this along to Emily, it was amazinggg!

"I just finished the book and WOW! Please pass this along to Emily, it was amazinggg! So encouraging, no-nonsense and genuinely heart felt. I know it’s going to change a heck of a lot of women’s lives. I’ll absolutely be purchasing a copy and gifting it to my sister, I appreciated the book for myself, but know that it’s vital my sister read it too."

— Paige

“It was so relatable and it made me feel that all things are possible. It reminded me that we don't all start at the top, we have to work our way up"

"It was so relatable and it made me feel that all things are possible. It reminded me that we don't all start at the top, we have to work our way up, and that's what Emily did. The best part of this book is that she shows you how you can do it too! This book is a motivational book that definitely sparks the flame to keep going. I would recommend this to anyone who has a dream and needs that push to go after it!."


“I also felt seen because your internal desires not matching your external reality used to leave me crying in my dumpy apartment..."

"I absolutely loved the first two chapters of the book. Your story is so relatable and the way you describe your experience invited me to feel instantly drawn in. I also felt seen because your internal desires not matching your external reality used to leave me crying in my dumpy apartment wondering what was wrong with me a few years ago."

— Jess

The I Heart Money Course

A step-by-step course where you’ll learn how to remove money blocks, transform your relationship with money, make more money and uplevel your life in every way imaginable. Learn how to become your most successful self, attract abundance, and create a life better than your dreams. This course is a must for all driven women.

Our most popular course!

INCLUDES 8 modules

bonus recorded coaching calls

We Heart it For: Anyone Who Wants to attract more money.


“Within the first month of the program, my fear of money coming into my life was transformed..."

"I realized I was pushing money away with my unhealthy beliefs, rather than believing and respecting myself and my skill set to have money come into my life. From then on forward, I have consistently followed the daily, weekly and monthly recommendations Emily provided in this great program which has completely shifted my unhealthy money mindset to a positive one and has allowed me to believe in myself, listen to my intuition and finally follow my life’s purpose. Thank you for the insight and inspiration from this program Emily, it has been such a positive life change for me."

— Amanda

“I’ve seen changes happening in all areas of my life. "

"I’ve seen changes happening in all areas of my life. I’ve made first online sale in my business !!! I managed to get tickets for me and my sister to Ed Sheeran sold out concert in London, which was on our Bucket list!!! I started teaching fitness classes in a new location at no cost for venue hire, unexpected money was coming my way here and there and I got a call from my USA friend about an opportunity of creating online courses for fit mums over there. I can go on and on, overall miracles are happening every day…"


“I've removed so many money blocks that affected me for years and I had no idea..."

"I think the best story is not even having money to pay for a stamp last year and now I've a 6-figure business. I've removed so many money blocks that affected me for years and I had no idea. The biggest money block I've cleaned up is that you have to work really hard for money as that's the only way. To take only action that excites me is life changing!!!! I'm slightly obsessed with money mindset.”

— Lynne

“My life has truly changed.

“When I first started the program I was so full of fear regarding talking about money I used to just cringe. I was totally undercharging my worth…Since completing the program, I have raised my prices twice and sold a package at my new price! Emily, thank you so much for doing this work. My life has truly changed.”

— Reshema

“I made my monthly income in ONE day!"

"After taking the I Heart Money course I made my monthly income in 1 day! I went from making $2k-$3k a month to $8K in 1 day! Since the course, not only have I tripled my rates (and booked a client!) but I’ve also found my true gifts as a coach. My life has completely transformed in the past couple months…I don’t know whose life this is but I love it."

— Shannon

“I feel like I am recognizing my worth for the first time and it feels so good!

The "program opened my eyes to the crippling effects of my money blocks. I was undercharging, underestimating, and overall undervaluing myself. As a result of her program--especially the live calls--I have confidently doubled the price of my online course and declined free and low-paid speaking gigs. I feel like I am recognizing my worth for the first time and it feels so good! Thanks, Emily!"

— Rose


Money Mindset Masterclass + Ebook

Learn how to make more money by transforming your mindset. Plus, a 53-page transformative workbook!


Hot Mess to Mega Success Ebook

This 90-page workbook breaks down the exact steps I took to get out of my quarter-life crisis and move forward with my dreams!

Money Mindset

Expanded Money + I Heart Money Bundle

Get our top-selling money bundle to help you transform your money mindset and attract more wealth. Includes lifetime access to Expanded Money and I Heart Money.


Money Meditation


Stress Relief Meditation

22-minute money meditation - the same one I used to transform my money mindset and go from $442 - 7-figures!

This stress relief meditation was designed to help you quiet the mind, release stress and worry about the future, and free yourself from the past. It's a quick practice and a new way of thinking that will transform your life.







Mindset/Personal growth

Your Ultimate Uplevel Workshop

We've gathered the world's best mentors and teachers to teach on success, health, happiness, healing, wealth creation and freedom for a 3-day training program.


Expanded Money Digital Program

Eight hours of recorded coaching calls with Emily Williams on money mindset and expanding your capacity to receive more wealth.




Goal-Setting Training + Monthly Workbooks

Get our step by step goal-setting training + guide and monthly bonus guides that you can use to reach your goals.





London Guide

Learn about the top hotels, restaurants and things to do around one of the best cities in the world! (I lived in London for ten years.) 


Mindset/Personal growth

Get Anything You Want Masterclass

Learn how to get the life and success that you're craving. This is our unique methodology that has helped thousands of women around the world transform their lives. And now it's your turn....



money mindset

Create Your Rich Life Masterclass

Create next level wealth through transforming your money mindset and increasing your capacity to receive. Learn about my signature blueprint for financial success that you can take and implement right away to make more money.


with a workbook



Kinda feel like we're already friends? Good! Me, too.

Yup, I wear a lot of pink and love all things girly, but I'm also one of the toughest, most direct coaches you'll ever meet. I started my brand from nothing and grew it into a 7-figure business in my first 18 months. That's how serious I am about taking action and fast results. Want to know more about me and my journey? I'm an open book...

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